Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for issue 2013-05 found the 176 items below.       [new search]

9589 - bibliography of special indexing fields016
A bibliography for indexing lives (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)4, pp. 147.

9590 - general reviews - history of KO in countries021;199
Chang, Yun-Mee; Chung, Yeon-Kyoung. - [A study on analysis of research trends about classification in Korea] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science, 24(2013)1, pp. 25-44.

9591 - reviews in special KO fields - history of KO in countries026;199
Qiu, Junping; Lou, Wen. - [Exploration of evolution and research focus of the index during past two decades] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library journal, 31(2012)12, pp. 12-17, 112.

Black, Alistair. - (Book review of) Krajewski, Markus. Paper machines: about cards and catalogs, 1548-1929. Translated by Peter Krapp. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2011. pp. 215. ISBN 9780262015899 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64(2013)2, pp. 431-432.

9593 - standards for KOS construction09.23
ISO 25964-2:2013 information and documentation – thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies – part 2: interoperability with other vocabularies (Lang.: eng). - Geneva, Switzerland, International Organization for Standardization, 2013. - pp. 99.

9594 - information science - conferences111;06.09-08
Eberhardt, Joachim. - [Book review of] Landry, Patrice; et al. (eds.) Subject Access: preparing for the Future. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2011. ISBN 3110234435. (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik, 33(2013)1, pp. 63-64.

9595 - information science111;08.1
Frické, Martin. - Logic and the organization of information (Lang.: eng). - New York, Springer, 2012. - pp. 312. - ISBN: 9781461430872.

9597 - information science111;08.1
Van Hooland, Seth. - (Book review of) Frické, Martin. Logic and the organization of information. New York: Springer, 2012. pp. 312. ISBN 9781461430872 (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 51(2013)4, pp. 443-445.

9596 - information science - thesauri111;214
Marcondes, Carlos Henrique. - Knowledge organization and representation in digital environments: relations between ontology and knowledge organization (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 40(2013)2, pp. 115-122. This paper is a revised and extended version of a previous one presented in the Brazillian ISKO 2011 Conference.

9598 - theory of concepts122
Milonas, Elizabeth. - (Book review of) Dupré, John. The disorder of things: metaphysical foundations of the disunity of science. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1993. Dupré, John. Human nature and the limits of science. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 40(2013)2, pp. 149-151.

9599 - conceptual models124
Channon, Martin G.. - The unification of concept representations: an impetus for scientific epistemology (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 40(2013)2, pp. 83-101.

9600 - KO problems171
Bade, David. - Jakobsonian library science?: a response to Jonathan Tuttle’s article “The aphasia of modern subject access” (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 51(2013)4, pp. 428-438.

9601 - KO problems171
Mu, Xiaoting; Dong, Yin. - [Difficult problems and analysis of book classification] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library development, (2012)5, pp. 34-36, 40.

9602 - KO problems171
Tuttle, Jonathan. - Jakobsonian library science?: a response to David Bade (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 51(2013)4, pp. 439-440.

9603 - history of KO in countries199
Xu, Zhiyun. - [On the development of the modern Chinese book classification—take the cataloguing books of Hunan Library for an example] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library, (2012)5, pp. 99-101.

9604 - KOS theory211
Dong, Yongmei. - [Analysis on the classification of intangible cultural heritage resources] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library development, (2012)9, pp. 35-38.

9607 - thesauri214
Zhao, Jie; et al.. - [Study on the application of future of thesauri abroad] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library development, (2012)3, pp. 58-62.

9605 - thesauri - special KOS - finance214;664
Chang, Inho. - [A study on tax ontology construction] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 44(2013)1, pp. 385-408.

9606 - thesauri - conceptology - KO history214;698/9
Chung, Heesun; et al.. - [Construction of metadata format and ontology for religious architecture heritage information] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 44(2013)1, pp. 5-26.

9608 - KOS use - reviews in special KO fields217;026
Martínez-Ávila, Daniel; San Segundo, Rosa. - Reader-interest classification: concept and terminology historical overview (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 40(2013)2, pp. 102-114.

9609 - KOS conceptual structures - KOS components221;222
Baek, Ji-Won. - [An analysis of the characteristics of the subject-based classification system] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 47(2013)1, pp. 57-79.

9610 - facets - special KOS - food science225;648
Chung, Yeon-Kyoung. - [A study on structure of a faceted classification for organizing Korean food information] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 47(2013)1, pp. 15-37.

9611 - KOS revision - KOS for libraries274;485
Liu, Lijing. - [Study on the revision of regional categories in Chinese Library Classification (5th edition)] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of academic libraries, (2012)1, pp. 75-77.

9612 - maintenance software277
Lü, Meixiang. - [Research on autogenous enlargement of Chinese Classified Thesaurus—keyword extracting from metadata] (Lang.: chi). - In: Information science, 30(2012)8, pp. 1160-1166.

9613 - systems reconciliation286
Hooland, Seth; et al.. - Evaluating the success of vocabulary reconciliation for cultural heritage collections (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 64(2013)3, pp.464-479.

9615 - KOS comparative analysis295
Li, Binghui. - [Classification of books on project management] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library development, (2012)1, pp. 43-46, 49.

9614 - KOS comparative analysis - history of KO in countries295;199
Bao, Xiulin; Wu, Wen-na. - [Development situation and performance assessment of Chinese Thesaurus (1980-2009)] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library tribune, 32(2012)4, pp. 101-106.

9616 - conceptology - systems theory - comparison of classifications298-51/4;292
Gu, Ying. - [A performance evaluation on medicine and health class of Chinese Library Classification (5th edition): compared with medicine and health class of Chinese Library Classification (4th edition)] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library journal, 31(2012)8, pp. 33-36.

9617 - indexing methods313
Johncocks, Bill. - (Book review of) De Keyser, Pierre. Indexing: from thesauri to the Semantic Web. New York: Neal-Schumann, 2011. pp. 200. ISBN 9781843342922 (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 31(2013)1, pp. 46-47.

9618 - indexing methods313
Nicholson, Neil. - (Book review of) De Keyser, Pierre. Indexing: from thesauri to the Semantic Web. New York: Neal-Schumann, 2011. pp. 200. ISBN 9781843342922 (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 169(2012), pp. 90.

9619 - facet analysis325
Hjørland, Birger. - Facet analysis: the logical approach to knowledge organization (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing & management, 49(2013)2, pp. 545-557.

9620 - classing332
Lee, Yong-Gu. - [A study on feature selection for KNN classifier using document frequency and collection frequency] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 44(2013)1, pp. 27-47.

9621 - automatic classification348
Kim, Meen Chul; et al. - [Automatic classification of malicious usage on Twitter] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 47(2013)1, pp. 269-286.

9622 - order techniques problems351
Song, Yunfang. - [Application cases of concept combination and its analysis] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library development, (2012)3, pp. 52-54, 57.

9623 - reclassification projects377
Barker, Andrew. - Slider puzzle: reclassification at the University of East Anglia (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 166(2012), pp. 12-15. Paper presented at the Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals (CILIP) Cataloguing & Indexing Group Reclassification Workshop, 20/09/2011.

9624 - reclassification projects377
De Esteban, Marijose. - ReGenreNation: the revision of genres at the British Film Institute (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 166(2012), pp. 19-23. Paper presented at the Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals (CILIP) Cataloguing & Indexing Group Reclassification Workshop, 20/09/2011.

9625 - reclassification projects377
Lee, Deborah. - Guerrilla reclassification: a call to arms (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 166(2012), pp. 24-27. Paper presented at the Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals (CILIP) Cataloguing & Indexing Group Reclassification Workshop, 20/09/2011.

9626 - KOS standards413
Clarke, Stella Dextre. - Evolution towards ISO 25964: an international standard with guidelines for thesauri and other types of controlled vocabulary (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Wissenschaft & Praxis, 58(2007)8, pp. 441-444.

9627 - KOS standards413
Clarke, Stella Dextre. - ISO 2788 + ISO 5964 + much energy = ISO 25964 (Lang.: eng). - In: ASIS&T bulletin, 35(2008)1. - Available at http://www.asis.org/Bulletin/Oct-08/OctNov08_DextreClarke.html

9628 - KOS standards413
Hudon, Michèle. - ISO25964: pour le développement, la gestion et l’interopérabilité des langages documentaires [ISO 25964 : the development, the management and the interoperability of documentary languages] (Lang.: fre). - In: Documentation et bibliothèques, 58(2012)3, pp.130-140.

9629 - UDC42
Singh, K.P.. - UDC: a manual for classification practical and information resources (Lang.: eng). - New Dehli, Today and Tomorrow's Printers and Publishers, 2013. - pp. 389. - ISBN: 8170194687.

9630 - UDC42
Toth, Gregory. - Leeward or windward?: the future of UDC in the Caird Library (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 168(2012), pp. 11-15.

9631 - DDC - textbooks on library classification43;07.41
Dogra, Kamal. - Dewey Decimal Classification and relative index (Lang.: eng). - New Dehli, Centrum Press, 2013. - pp. 304. - ISBN: 9789350840542.

9632 - LCSH448;07.448
Sewell, Claire. - (Book review of) Broughton, Vanda. Essential Library of Congress Subject Headings. London: Facet, 2011. pp. 192. ISBN 9781856046183 (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 166(2012), pp. 30.

9634 - KOS for libraries485
Bian, Lifang; Yuan, Run; Wang, Zhengxing. - [Review on Chinese Library Classification (5th edition) from 2010 to 2011] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library development, (2012)7, pp. 23-27.

9635 - KOS for libraries485
Hahn, Kyungshin. - [A study on the Korean music schedules of KDC [Korean Decimal Classification]] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 43(2012)4, pp. 297-316.

9637 - KOS for libraries485
Jia, Junzhi; Chen, Pan. - [Study of the physics categories based on bibliographic records statistics] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library tribune, 32(2012)6, pp. 108-111, 77.

9638 - KOS for libraries485
Kim, Ja-Hoo. - [A study on the developing modifications of KDC [Korean Decimal Classification] 5th ed. in jurisprudence field] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 43(2012)4, pp. 5-22.

9639 - KOS for libraries485
Li, Qing. - [Suggestions on classification of project management literature in Chinese Library Classification] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library tribune, 32(2012)5, pp. 113-115, 36.

9640 - KOS for libraries485
Li, Sike. - [Discussion on the category of “TP391 Information Processing” in Chinese Library Classification (5th edition)] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library development, (2012)9, pp. 29-32.

9641 - KOS for libraries485
Li, Sike. - [Views on the revision of category TP391.41 of Chinese Library Classification (5th edition)] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library tribune, 32(2012)5, pp. 109-112.

9642 - KOS for libraries485
Lü, Jingping. - [Researches on the classification of books about graphics and image processing in Chinese Library Classification (5th edition)] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library development, (2012)8, pp. 37-38, 43.

9643 - KOS for libraries485
Nasir, Mohammad. - Library classification and automation (Lang.: eng). - New Dehli, Shri Sai Printographers, 2013. - pp. 276. - ISBN: 8189996604.

9644 - KOS for libraries485
Shi, Huiwen. - [Analysis of revised chemical categories of Chinese Library Classification (fifth edition)] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library, (2012)4, pp. 94-95.

9645 - KOS for libraries485
Song, Yunfang. - [Keep pace with the times in work of document indexing—several thinking about using electronic classification of Chinese Classified Thesaurus] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library tribune, 32(2012)2, pp. 104-108.

9646 - KOS for libraries485
Verma, R.P.. - Classification system in library collections (Lang.: eng). - New Dehli, ALP Books, 2012. - pp. 304. - ISBN: 9789382215561.

9647 - KOS for libraries485
Wang, Jiang. - [Thinking of category setting of “BO Philosophical Theory” and its subcategories] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library development, (2012)2, pp. 50-53.

9648 - KOS for libraries485
Xu, Yang. - [Revisions of the category of “TP Automation Technology and Computer Technology” and the category of “TQ Chemical Industry” in Chinese Library Classification (Minors’ library edition)] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library development, (2012)5, pp. 30-31, 33.

9649 - KOS for libraries485
Zhang, Yanning. - [Researches on the category setting and classification of H31 in Chinese Library Classification (5th edition)] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library development, (2012)7, pp. 34-35, 40.

9650 - KOS for libraries485
Zhao, Yong. - [Analysis on revising the category of agricultural science in Chinese Library Classification (5th edition)] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library development, (2012)3, pp. 55-57.

9651 - KOS for libraries485
Zhou, Bing. - [Introduction and comment on Taiwan’s New Classification Scheme for Chinese Libraries] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library journal, 31(2012)3, pp. 29-32, 83.

9652 - KOS for libraries485
Zhou, Wini. - [Analysis of some problems about annotations of auxiliary tables for subdivisions in Chinese Library Classification (5th edition)] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library journal, 31(2012)8, pp. 37-39.

9636 - KOS for libraries - monographs on KO general questions485;08.21
Jeng, Judy. - (Book review of) Kumbhar, Rajendra. Library classification trends in the 21st century. Oxford: Chandos Publishing, 2012. pp. xiv, 172. ISBN 9781843446609 (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 51(2013)4, pp. 441-442.

9633 - KOS for libraries - indexing in - linguistics485;88-91
An, Xiaoli. - [Multi-dimension indexing of bilingual textbooks based on auxiliary tables] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library development, (2012)8, pp. 34-36.

9653 - KOS for special purposes489
Kreyche, Michael. - Subject headings in Spanish: the lcsh-es.org bilingual database (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 51(2013)4, pp. 389-403.

9654 - KOS for special purposes489
Kwak, Chul-Wan. - [A study of classification system for online bookstore in Korea: categories and book classification] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 47(2013)1, pp. 221-247.

9655 - special KOS - sport science658
Robinson, Neil. - From club reading room to research library: developing cataloguing and classification practices in a specialist sports library (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 169(2012), pp. 74-79. Paper presented at the Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals (CILIP) Cataloguing & Indexing Group Conference 2012.

9656 - special KOS - computer science683
Zhu, Xiaoyan. - [Discussion of TP class amendment on the Chinese Library Classification (fifth edition)] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library tribune, 32(2012)2, pp. 91-95.

9657 - special KOS - music - tagging693;835
Milne, Andrew. - Folksonomies and music classification: sourcing controlled vocabularies from the crowd (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 168(2012), pp. 19-22.

9658 - special KOS - culture science696
Oikarinen, Teija; Kortelainen, Terttu. - Challenges of diversity, consistency, and globality in indexing of local archeological artifacts (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 40(2013)2, pp. 123-135.

9659 - special KOS - non-christian religion698
Huang, Jiannian; Tao, Maoqin. - [A study on classifying Buddhist temple gazetteers in both foreign and Chinese classifications] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library tribune, 32(2012)6, pp. 100-107.

9660 - semantic networks725
Luo, Zheng; Zhang, Zhanmei; Chen, Weili. - [The significance and notes of linked data application in university library] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library journal, 31(2012)5, pp. 51-53.

9661 - database semantics727
Mu, Dongmei; Huang, Lili; Zhang, Yanxia. - [Linked data application in the life science] (Lang.: chi). - In: Information science, 30(2012)9, pp. 1389-1395.

9662 - language processing732
Sun, Xiaoling; Kaur, Jasleen; Possamai, Lino. - Ambiguous author query detection using crowdsourced digital library annotations (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing & management, 49(2013)2, pp.454-464.

9663 - OPAC752.2
Brenner, Simon; Ehlen, Dirk. - Kunden entdecken den Bibliothekskatalog neu: Der (inter)aktive Katalog mit LibraryThing for Libraries – ein Pilotprojekt in Nordrhein-Westfalen [Clients discover the library catalogue again: the (inter)active catalogue with LibraryThing for Libraries, a pilot project in North Rhine-Westphalia] (Lang.: ger). - In: BuB – Forum Bibliothek und Information, 64(2012)10, pp. 705-708. - Available at http://www.b-u-b.de/pdfarchiv/Heft-BuB_10_2012.pdf

9664 - OPAC752.2
Jin, Jing; Jiang, Enbo. - [FRBR, RDA and eXtensible catalog] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library journal, 31(2012)11, pp. 30-34.

9665 - OPAC - bibliographic description752.2;946
Klauss, Henning. - RDA: Folgen für die Katalogisierung und die OPAC-Gestaltung [RDA: its consequences for cataloguing and OPAC design] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 47(2013)3/4, pp. 225–230.

9666 - KOS-based access756
Khoo, Christopher S.G.; Wang, Zhonghong; Chaudhry, Abdus Sattar. - Task-based navigation of a taxonomy interface to a digital repository (Lang.: eng). - In: Information research, 17(2012)4. - Available at http://InformationR.net/ir/17-4/paper547.html Paper presented at ISIC: the information behaviour conference, Tokyo, 4-7 September, 2012.

9667 - KOS-based access756
Krems, Heike. - Bücherschätze entdecken: Der historische Altbestand der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin präsentiert sich systematisch online [Discovering book treasures: the historical collection of the Berlin State Library is searchable online by classification] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheks-Magazin, 22(2013)8, pp. 32-37. - Available at http://www.bsb-muenchen.de/fileadmin/imageswww/pdf-dateien/bibliotheksmagazin/BM2013-1.pdf

9668 - terms form772
Bridge, Noeline. - (Book review of) ISO 25964-1: 2011 Information and documentation—Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies. Part 1: Thesauri for information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)2, pp. 109-110.

9669 - terms form772
Briggs, Robin. - Māori names in indexes (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)2, pp. 76-79.

9670 - terminological work773
Hauer, Manfred. - Zur Bedeutung normierter Terminologien in Zeiten moderner Sprach- und Information-Retrieval-Technologien [On the role of standardized terminologies in the age of modern language and information retrieval technologies] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik, 33(2013)1, pp. 2-6.

9671 - special terminology - economics78-71
Dolud, Lena; Kreis, Constanze. - Die Crosskonkordanz Wirtschaft zwischen dem STW und der GND: Ein Instrument zur kooperativen Inhaltserschliessung und zur Vernetzung im Semantic Web [The cross-concordance "Economics" between STW (Standard Thesaurus for Economics) and the GND (Universal Authority File): A tool for co-operative subject indexing and networking in the Semantic Web] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken. 24 (2) 2012. 13-19. - Available at http://www.dnb.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/DNB/service/dialog201202Volltext.pdf

9672 - special terminology - culture science78-96
Van Hooland, Seth; et al. - Evaluating the success of vocabulary reconciliation for cultural heritage collections (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64(2013)3, pp. 464-479.

9673 - indexing problems - book indexing problems811;851
McMaster, Max. - Same publication + many indexers = ??? (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)2, pp. 98-100.

9674 - subject indexes in818
Li, Xing. - [Analysis on the information organization of Duxiu Scholar Search] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library journal, 31(2012)4, pp. 29-32.

9675 - index representation819
Reid, Robert F.. - Classification with QR codes (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 168(2012), pp. 5-10.

9676 - tagging835
Guan, Fengting. - [Analysis on current China folksonomy based on the bibliometrics] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library tribune, 32(2012)4, pp. 94-100.

9677 - tagging835
Syn, Sue Yeon; Spring, Michael B. - Finding subject terms for classificatory metadata from user-generated social tags (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64(2013)5, pp. 964-980.

9678 - tagging835
Wu, Dan; Wang, Yanni. - [The standardization of social tagging: a study on tagging academic articles] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library, (2012)1, pp. 85-88.

9679 - information value of terms836
Muresan, Smaranda; Klavans, Judith L. - Inducing terminologies from text: a case study for the consumer health domain (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64(2013)4, pp. 727-744.

9680 - book indexing problems851
Browne, Glenda; Coe, Mary. - Ebook navigation: browse, search and index (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 31(2012)1, pp. 26-33.

9681 - book indexing problems851
Gutierrez, Ruby Meraz. - Scholarly publications in Latin America: where, oh index, art thou? (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 31(2013)1, pp. 12-17.

9682 - book indexing problems851
Mcguire, Hugh. - A publisher’s job is to provide a good API for books: you can start with your index (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 31(2013)1, pp. 36-38.

9683 - book indexing in - history858-69
Bell, Hazel K. - Biographies as soft, narrative texts (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)4, pp. 141-146.

9684 - book indexing in - history858-69
Curran, Susan. - Navigating the English friend (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)4, pp. 119-124.

9685 - book indexing in - history858-69
Davis, Madeline. - Dramatis personae (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)4, pp. 132-135.

9686 - book indexing in - history858-69
Phipps, Christopher. - An indexer’s life of Johnson (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)4, pp. 114-119.

9687 - book indexing in - history858-69
Sassen, Catherine. - Biography indexes reviewed (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)4, pp. 136-140.

9688 - book indexing in - history858-69
Walker, Alan. - Indexing political memoirs: neutrality and partiality (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)4, pp. 125-130.

9689 - book indexing in - history858-69
Walker, Alan. - Political memoirs: an international comparison of indexing styles (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)2, pp. 64-75.

9690 - NBM indexing problems871
Ménard, Elaine. - TIIARA for an IDOL: an adventure in indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 31(2013)1, pp. 2-11.

9691 - NBM indexing problems871
Russell, Mary. - Indexing quilt patterns (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)2, pp. 85-90.

9692 - cartography indexing876
Wu, Bihua. - [Comparative study on the international and domestic description of the scale information of cartographic materials] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library development, (2012)7, pp. 19-22, 27.

9693 - various NBM indexing879
Davis, Nikki. - Material culture and the rise of quilt indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)2, pp. 80-84.

9694 - various NBM indexing879
Kingsley, Ilana. - Creation, placement and design of website indexes on university websites in the United States (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 31(2013)1, pp. 18-25.

9695 - various NBM indexing879
Ramsden, Michael. - Indexing wine (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)2, pp. 90-95.

9696 - various NBM indexing879
Zhao, Jian. - [Comparative study on search engines, subject directories and folksonomies] (Lang.: chi). - In: Information science, 30(2012)3, pp. 377-380, 413.

9698 - KO profession problems911
Garner, Helen. - Media cataloguing practice at Sheffield Hallam University (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 169(2012), pp. 82-83.

9699 - KO profession problems911
Pierce, Karen F. - Cataloguing in Wales: Are there professional benefits to exploring regionality? (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 169(2012), pp. 64-67. Paper presented at the Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals (CILIP) Cataloguing & Indexing Group Conference 2012.

9700 - KO profession problems911
Williams, Helen. - The past is a foreign country: transforming a bibliographic services team from copy cataloguers to metadata creators (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 169(2012), pp. 50-53. Paper presented at the Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals (CILIP) Cataloguing & Indexing Group Conference 2012.

9697 - KO profession problems - cataloging911;942
Drabinski, Emily. - Queerying the catalog: queer theory and the politics of correction (Lang.: eng). - In: Library quarterly, 83(2013)2, pp. 94-111.

9701 - KO professional questions912
Pierce, Karen F. - Aiming for visibility: promoting a university cataloguing department (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 169(2012), pp. 57-61. Paper presented at the Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals (CILIP) Cataloguing & Indexing Group Conference 2012.

9702 - KO work organization916
Aucock, Janet. - Why not send a cataloguer? (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 167(2012), pp. 28-32.

9703 - KO work organization916
Green, Gary. - The incredible shrinking cataloguer meets the spaghetti junction automation robot (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 169(2012), pp. 47-49. Paper presented at the Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals (CILIP) Cataloguing & Indexing Group Conference 2012.

9705 - KO work organization916
Perry, Jennie-Claire; Viner, Robin Armstrong. - The problems of cataloguing in higher education (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 169(2012), pp. 54-56.

9704 - KO work organization916;08.91
Griffin, Linda Smith. - (Book review of) Lubas, Rebecca L., ed. Practical strategies for cataloging departments. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 2011. pp. 117. ISBN 9781598844924 (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 51(2013)4, pp. 446-448.

9706 - transfer of data in KO917
Pfeffer, Magnus. - Eine Infrastruktur für "Big Metadata" [An infrastructure for "big metadata"] (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online: Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, 16(2013)1, pp. 11-16.

9707 - KO metadata918
Bell, Lucy. - Getting metadata to work harder: re-use, standardisation and streamlining, a data archive perspective (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 169(2012), pp. 10-14. Paper presented at the Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals (CILIP) Cataloguing & Indexing Group Conference 2012.

9709 - KO metadata918
Clarke, Alex; Lawson, Anna. - Repository metadata for diverse collections (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 167(2012), pp. 16-19.

9711 - KO metadata918
Guo, Ruifang; Zhang, Huizhang. - [Metadata standard design based on DuanInkstone image digitization construction] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library tribune, 32(2012)6, pp. 57-60, 36.

9713 - KO metadata918
Lee, Seungmin. - [Construction of framework for metadata integration using master data approach] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 44(2013)1, pp. 201-225.

9714 - KO metadata918
Phillips, Mark. - Metadata analysis at the command-line (Lang.: eng). - In: Code4Lib journal, 19(2013), pp.1-17.

9715 - KO metadata918
Strong, Marcy A. - (Book review of) Miller, Steven J. Metadata for digital collections: a how-to-do-it manual. New York, NY: Neal Schuman, 2011. pp. 343. ISBN 9781555707460 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Medical Library Association, 101(2013)1, pp.78-79.

9716 - KO metadata918
Zhao, Xiujun. - [Statistic analysis on metadata research papers in China from 2000 to 2009] (Lang.: chi). - In: Information science, 30(2012)2, pp. 282-286.

9708 - KO metadata - special KOS - politics918;662
Cho, Hyun-Yang; Jang, Bo-Seong. - [A study on designing the metadata for integrated management of individually managed presidential records] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 47(2013)1, pp. 105-124.

9712 - KO metadata - special KOS - mass communication918;686
Jeong, Seong-Suk. - [A study on the redesign oh my news article metadata] (Lang.: kor). - In: The Korean journal of archival studies, 34(2012), pp. 107-163.

9710 - KO metadata - bibliographic description918;946
Guo, Maoyu. - [Research on rubbings digitization based on the practices of metadata cataloging: taking Rubbings Library Literature Subject Database in Ho Lo Culture as an example] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of academic libraries, (2012)3, pp. 64-68.

9717 - international KO groups926
Flath, Tordis. - The revised New Zealand mentoring scheme (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)2, pp. 96-97. Australian & New Zealand Society of Indexers

9718 - international KO activities933
International agreement of indexing societies (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)4, pp. 151-152. The agreement, reached in July 2012 in Brighton, England, is between the Society of Indexers, the American Society for Indexing, the Indexing Society of Canada, the Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers, the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers, and the China Society of Indexers.

9719 - bibliography - KO professional questions941;912
Jardine, Heather. - Changing rules, changing roles: being a cataloguer in 2012 (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 169(2012), pp. 44-46. Paper presented at the Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals (CILIP) Cataloguing & Indexing Group Conference 2012.

9720 - bibliography - KO standardization problems941;991
Li, Zhi. - [Main obstacles of bibliographic data standardization in China] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library development, (2012)6, pp. 31-32, 35.

9721 - cataloging942
Barron, Simon. - The fundamental interconnectedness of all things: the impact of networked knowledge systems on cataloguing (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 169(2012), pp. 15-19. Paper presented at the Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals (CILIP) Cataloguing & Indexing Group Conference 2012.

9722 - cataloging942
Carty, Céline. - RDA at ALA, or, attack of the acronyms (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 169(2012), pp. 20-21.

9723 - cataloging942
Draper, Daniel. - Analysis of Readex's serial set MARC records: improving the data for the library catalog (Lang.: eng). - In: Government information quarterly, 30(2013)1, pp.87-98.

9724 - cataloging942
Flanagan, Katie. - CILIP CIG conference: the value of cataloguing (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 169(2012), pp. 3-4.

9725 - cataloging942
Nasir, Mohammad. - Cataloguing and indexing in library science (Lang.: eng). - New Dehli, Shri Sai Printographers, 2013. - pp. 288. - ISBN: 8189996499.

9726 - cataloging942
Zhai, Xiaojuan. - [Cataloging in the past, present and future] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of academic libraries, 183(2012)1, pp. 49-55.

9727 - cataloging942
Zhou, Xiaomin. - [Research on cataloging examples of books from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library journal, 31(2012)3, pp. 33-35, 70.

9728 - cataloging942
Zhu, Yazheng. - [Research on video and audio cataloging technology] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library journal, 31(2012)4, pp. 56-59.

9729 - bibliographic records944
Han, Ning. - [Implementation method of FRBR comparative study] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library tribune, 32(2012)4, pp. 107-110.

9731 - bibliographic records944
Wang, Zhonghong. - [FRBR: Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library journal, 31(2012)11, pp. 25-29.

9732 - bibliographic records944
Weith; Siegfried. - Verborgene Schätze heben [Unleashing hidden treasures [Catalogue conversion at the Erlangen-Nuremberg University Library]] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksforum Bayern, 7(2013)1, pp. 52-53. - Available at http://www.bibliotheksforum-bayern.de/fileadmin/archiv/2013-1/PDF-Einzelbeitr%C3%A4ge/BFB_0113_16_Weith.pdf

9733 - bibliographic records944
Whaite, Katharine. - Finding value in history: gaining knowledge by examining historical practices (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 169(2012), pp. 25-29. Paper presented at the Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals (CILIP) Cataloguing & Indexing Group Conference 2012.

9734 - bibliographic records944
Zhan, Lihua. - [An evaluation on information organization based on FRBR] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library journal, 31(2012)11, pp. 35-37.

9730 - bibliographic records - bibliographic description944;946
Seikel, Michele. - General notes in catalog records versus FRBR user tasks (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 51(2013)4, pp. 420-427.

9735 - bibliographic description946
Behrens-Neumann, Renate; Frodl, Christine. - RDA – ein internationaler Standard für den deutschsprachigen Raum [RDA - an international standard for the German-speaking area] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 24(2012)2, pp. 23-27. - Available at http://www.dnb.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/DNB/service/dialog201202Volltext.pdf

9736 - bibliographic description946
Chen, Yongwei. - [Selection principles of cataloging multi-volume books] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library development, (2012)7, pp. 31-33.

9738 - bibliographic description946
Deng, Fuquan. - Dui congshu jinxing duocengci zhulu [multi-level description] de renshi (Lang.: chi). - In: Library journal, 31(2012)7, pp. 45-47.

9739 - bibliographic description946
Deng, Xiaodan. - [Version identification and collection catalogue organization of Chinese books about literature] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library development, (2012)7, pp. 28-30, 33.

9740 - bibliographic description946
Dong, Gui-Cun; Kim, Jeong-Hyen. - [A study of the work types of Chinese bibliographic records based FRBR model in the National Library of China] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science, 24(2013)1, pp. 269-286.

9741 - bibliographic description946
Hunt, Stuart. - RDA in your ILS (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 169(2012), pp. 22-24.

9742 - bibliographic description946
Jia, Hualin. - RDA Toolkit yu yinshuaxing lianxu chubanwu bianmu (Lang.: chi). - In: Library journal, 31(2012)8, pp. 30-32.

9743 - bibliographic description946
Lee, Seungmin; Nam, Taewoo; Nam, Youngjoon. - Revising cataloging rules and standards to meet the needs of people with disabilities (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 57(2013)1, pp. 18-29.

9744 - bibliographic description946
Li, Meihong. - [Chinese books title-related fields simplified description under new OPAC system: taking Guangzhou University library as example] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library journal, 31(2012)1, pp. 26-28.

9745 - bibliographic description946
Tosaka, Yuji; Park, Jung-ran. - RDA: resource description and access – a survey of the current state of art (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64(2013)4, pp. 651-662.

9746 - bibliographic description946
Trombone, Antonella. - RDA: struttura e funzionamento [RDA: structure and operation] (Lang.: ita). - In: Biblioteche oggi. 31(2013)2, pp. 51-66.

9747 - bibliographic description946
Wang, Zhonghong. - [Differences of RDA cataloging: focus on monograph] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library journal, 31(2012)1, pp. 17-25.

9748 - bibliographic description946
Welsh, Anne; Whaite, Katharine. - Our hybrid history and its lessons for today (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 169(2012), pp. 5-9. Paper presented at the Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals (CILIP) Cataloguing & Indexing Group Conference 2012.

9750 - bibliographic description946
Xin, Miao. - [Recessive copy and its connection description] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library journal, 31(2012)4, pp. 33-36.

9737 - bibliographic description946;07.946
Clifford, Katrina. - (Book review of) Welsh, Anne; Bately, Sue. Practical cataloguing: AACR, RDA and MARC 21. London: Facet publishing, 2012. pp. 224. ISBN 9781856046954 (Lang.: eng). - In: Managing information, 19(2012)5, pp. 60.

9749 - bibliographic description946;07.946
Wiesenmüller, Heidrun. - Einstieg in die angloamerikanische Katalogisierungspraxis? Lehrbuch zu AACR2 und RDA [[Book review of] Welsh, Anne; Batley, Sue. Practical cataloguing: AACR, RDA and MARC 21, London: Facet Publishing, 2012] (Lang.: ger). - In: BuB – Forum Bibliothek und Information. 64(2012)10), pp. 716-717. - Available at http://www.b-u-b.de/pdfarchiv/Heft-BuB_10_2012.pdf

9751 - authority control949
Burke, Susan K.; Shorten, Jay. - Name authority work in public libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 51(2013)4, pp. 365-388.

9752 - authority control949
El-Sherbini, Magda. - Bibliotheca Alexandrina's model for Arabic name authority control (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 57(2013)1, pp. 4-17.

9753 - authority control949
Lee, Deborah. - Collaborative authorities: introducing the UK NACO funnel project (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 169(2012), pp. 30-36.

9756 - authority control949
Niu, Jinfang. - Evolving landscape in name authority control (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 51(2013)4, pp. 404-419.

9758 - authority control949
Wiechmann, Brigitte. - Die Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND): Rückblick und Ausblick [The Universal Authority File (GND): review and outlook] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 24(2012)2, pp. 20-22. - Available at http://www.dnb.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/DNB/service/dialog201202Volltext.pdf

9759 - authority control949
Zhu, Qingqing; Sun, Fengling. - [Research on FRAD and Chinese name authority control] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of the National Library of China, (2012)2, pp. 19-22.

9755 - authority control - KOS elements949;22
Liu, Sha; Si, Li. - [Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (FRSAD) and its impact] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library journal, 31(2012)3, pp. 19-24.

9757 - authority control - descriptors form949;229
Song, Leping. - [A general overview of vocabulary control in document databases] (Lang.: eng). - In: Library, (2012)5, pp. 76-80.

9754 - authority control - bibliographic description949;946
Lin, Ming. - [Language/script used in catalogue and authorized access points] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of academic libraries, (2012)3, pp. 74-79.

9760 - KO education problems951
Playforth, Rachel. - Trigger’s cataloguer: professional development by default (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, 169(2012), pp. 62-63.

9761 - KO curricula952
Veitch, Madeline; Greenberg, Jane; Keizer, Caroline; Gunther, Wanda. - The UNC–Chapel Hill RDA boot camp: preparing LIS students for emerging topics in cataloging and metadata (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 51(2013)4, pp. 343-364.

9762 - economising KO973
McMaster, Max. - Preparing the indexing quote (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 30(2012)2, pp. 100-102.

9764 - users requirements982
Music Library Association, Emerging Technologies and Services Committee. - Music discovery requirements: a guide to optimizing interfaces (Lang.: eng). - In: Notes, 69(2013)3, pp.494-524. Also available: http://committees.musiclibraryassoc.org/uploads/ETSC/MDRdocument.pdf

9763 - users requirements - online systems982;755
Krebs, Matthias. - Die known-item search in Bibliothekskatalogen: Nutzerverhalten, Probleme, Lösungsmöglichkeiten [The known-item search in library catalogues: user behaviour, problems, possible solutions] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis, 37(2013)1, pp. 91-102.

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