Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for issue 2017-10 found the 114 items below.       [new search]

17388 - literature reviews02
Caf?, L?gia Maria Arruda; Barros, Camila Monteiro; Borja, Renata Duarte; Machiavelli, Marieli . - AnĂ lise conceitual do termo organiza??o do conhecimento em teses brasileiras [Conceptual analysis of the term knowledge organization in Brazilian theses] (Lang.: por). - In: Revista Brasileira de Biblioteconomia e Documenta??o, 13(2017)1, pp. 82-113. - Available at http://rbbd.febab.org.br/rbbd/article/view/409/593

17395 - conferences06
Duarte, Zeny; Santos, Jos? Carlos Sales dos; Silva, Silvana Pereira da . - XVII Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ci?ncia da Informa??o [XVII National Conference on Information Science Research] (Lang.: por). - 1. ed. ed. - Salvador, PPGCI/UFBA, 2016. - pp. 5574. - Available at http://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7rxeg_cwHajMW9ZV0xFZHBhTnc/view Contents about Knowledge Organization are under the category GT 02 - Organiza??o e Representa??o do Conhecimento

17394 - conferences06
Guimar?es, Jos? Augusto Chaves. - Desafios e perspectivas cient?ficas para a organiza??o e representa??o do conhecimento na atualidade [Currently Scientific challenges and perspectives to knowledge organization and representation ] (Lang.: por). - 1. ed. ed. - Mar?lia, Fundepe, 2012. - pp. 285.(Estudos Avan?ados em Organiza??o do Conhecimento, v. 1). - Available at http://isko-brasil.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Livro-finalizado_correcoes-feitas_pronto-para-publicar-07_02_2013.pdf

17393 - conferences06
Dodebei, Vera; Guimar?es, Jos? Augusto Chaves. - Complexidade e organiza??o do conhecimento, desafios de nosso s?culo [Complexity and knowledge organization, challenges of our century] (Lang.: por). - 1. ed. ed. - Mar?lia, Fundepe, 2013. - pp. 835.(Estudos Avan?ados em Organiza??o do Conhecimento, v. 2). - Available at http://isko-brasil.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Estudos-avan%C3%A7ados-2.pdf

17392 - conferences06
Pinho, Fabio Assis; Guimar?es, Jos? Augusto Chaves (Org.). - Mem?ria, tecnologia e cultura na organiza??o do conhecimento [Memory, technology, and culture in knowledge organization] (Lang.: por). - 1. ed. ed. - Recife, Ed. UFPE, 2017. - pp. 409.(Estudos Avan?ados em Organiza??o do Conhecimento, v. 4). - Available at http://isko-brasil.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/livro-ISKO-2017.pdf

17391 - conferences06
Marty, Sara. - Ged?chtnisinstitutionen tragen Verantwortung f?r Evidenz [Memory institutions bear responsibility for evidence (report on the Memoriav meeting, 23 Juni 2017]] (Lang.: ger). - In: Arbido, (2017)3, n.pag.. - Available at http://arbido.ch/de/artikelpdf/download.html?entryId=3800

17389 - conferences06
G?ttker, Susanne. - Mehrwerte durch Fachinformationsdienste [Added value through specialist information services [report on a meeting]] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 20(2017)3, pp. 214-216. - Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2017-03-bibliothekartag-goettker.pdf

17390 - conferences06
Niemeyer, Sandra. - Software und Services for Science (S3) - 2nd Conference on Non-Textual Information [Software and Services for Science (S3) - 2nd Conference on Non-Textual Information [Hannover, Germany, 10-11 May 2017]] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 20(2017)4, pp. 326-329. - Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2017-04-reportage-niemeyer.pdf

17396 - conferences06.17
Steffen, Kai. - Positionsbestimmung Fachreferat und Fachinformationsdienste - Gemeinsame Veranstaltung der VDB-Kommission f?r Fachreferatsarbeit und der AG Fachinformationsdienste (AG FID) auf dem 106. Deutschen Bibliothekartag, 31.05.2017, , 16-18 Uhr [Determining the positions of subject librarianship and specialized information services: Joint event (...) at the 106th German Library Conference, Frankfurt am Main, 31 May 2017] (Lang.: ger). - In: o-bib, 4(2017)2, pp. 113-117. - Available at http://www.o-bib.de/article/view/2017H2S113-117

17465 - conferences06.17;725
Janssen, Melanie; Rothfritz, Laura; Wenz, Dorothea. - Tagungsbericht von der DHd2017, 13.-18. Februar 2017 in Bern [Report on the Digital Humanities annual meeting, 13-18 February 2017, at Bern [Switzerland]] (Lang.: ger). - In: BRaIn: Potsdamer Beitr?ge und Reportagen aus den Informationswissenschaften, (2017)20, n.pag.. - Available at http://brain.fh-potsdam.de/?p=5712

17400 - information science111
Preza, Jos? Luis. - Data science and analytics in libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Mitteilungen der V?B, 70(2017)2, pp. 244-248. - Available at http://ojs.univie.ac.at/index.php/voebm/article/view/1796

17401 - information science111
Quiquerez, Fanny; Minana, Floriane. - La gestion des donn?es de la recherche: enjeux et perspectives [Managing research data: Issues and perspectives] (Lang.: fre). - In: Arbido, (2017)3, n.pag.. - Available at http://arbido.ch/de/artikelpdf/download.html?entryId=3237

17497 - information science111
Fr?ncu, Victoria. - Indexarea documentelor : aproape totul despre subiectele documentelor [Indexing: almost all about subjects of documents] (Lang.: rom). - In: Tratat de biblioteconomie. Bucure?ti: Editura ABR, 2013- . Vol. 2, Part 2, 2016. pp. 23-200. .2016.

17493 - bases of concepts121
Maculan, Benildes Coura Moreira dos Santos; Lima, Gercina Angela Bor?m de Oliveira. - Buscando Uma Defini??o Para o Conceito De "Conceito" [Seeking a definition for the concept of "concept"] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em Ci?ncia da Informa??o, 22(2017)2, pp. 54-87. - Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1981-5344/2963

17402 - concept construction123
Maculan, Benildes Coura Moreira dos Santos; Lima, Gercina Angela Bor?m de Oliveira . - Buscando uma defini??o para o conceito de "conceito" [Seeking a definition for the concept of "concept"] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em Ci?ncia da Informa??o, 22(2017)2, pp. 54-87. - Available at http://portaldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/2963/1876

17403 - conceptual models124
Milani, Suellen Oliveira . - Uma discuss?o de oposi??es bin?rias nos Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (FRSAD) [A binary opposition discussion on the Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (FRSAD)] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em Ci?ncia da Informa??o, 22(2017)2, pp. 29-53. - Available at http://portaldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/2732/1875

17404 - frequency studies136
Leiss, Caroline . - Forum Bibliometrie an der Universit?tsbibliothek der Technischen Universit?t M?nchen [Forum on bibliometrics at the Munich University of Technology Library [23-25 November 2016]] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksforum Bayern, 11(2017)3, pp. 192-195. - Available at http://www.bibliotheksforum-bayern.de/fileadmin/archiv/2017-3/014-Forum_Bibliometrie_an_der_Universitaetsbibliothek_der_Technischen_Universitaet_Muenchen.pdf

17405 - frequency studies136
Calatrava Moreno, Maria del Carmen. - Doctoral interdisciplinarity: A multi-method analysis based on bibliometrics and empirical approaches (Lang.: eng). - Vienna, Vienna University of Technology, 2016. - pp. xiii, 206. - Available at http://resolver.obvsg.at/urn:nbn:at:at-ubtuw:1-94083

17406 - frequency studies136
Jing Li, Dengsheng Wu, Jianping Li, Minglu Li . - A comparison of 17 article-level bibliometric indicators of institutional research productivity: Evidence from the information management literature of China (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 53(2017)5, pp. 1156-1170.

17407 - frequency studies136
Tartarotti, Roberta Cristina Dal' Evedove; Fujita, Mari?ngela Spotti Lopes. - Produ??o e colabora??o cient?fica em Organiza??o e Representa??o do Conhecimento: an?lise bibliom?trica do GT2 do ENANCIB no per?odo de 2009 a 2014 [Production and scientific collaboration in Organization and Representation of Knowledge: analysis bility of the ENANCIB GT2 in the period of 2009 to 2014] (Lang.: por). - In: Em Quest?o, 22(2017)3, pp. 136-160. - Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.19132/1808-5245223.136-160

17483 - KM149
K?ns?koski, Helena. - Information and knowledge processes as a knowledge management framework in health care: Towards shared decision making? (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 73(2017)4, pp. 748-766. - Available at http://doi/full/10.1108/JD-11-2016-0138

17408 - development of knowledge164
Schadauer, Andreas. - Verschlungene Wege sozialwissenschaftlicher Wissensproduktion: Zahlen und Statistiken ?ber Gesellschaften, Menschen und Nationen [Entangled social scientific knowledge production: Numbers and statistics on societies, human beings and nations] (Lang.: ger). - Vienna, University of Vienna, 2016. - pp. vi, 230. - Available at http://othes.univie.ac.at/41769

17409 - methodological problems173
Renn, Oliver; Schnabl, Joachim. - Forschungsmetriken: Ignorieren, boykottieren oder nutzen? Forschungsmetriken in die Praxis gebracht [Research metrics: Ignoring, boycotting or using? Research metrics brought into practice] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 20(2017)3, pp. 229-235. - Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2017-03/fachbeitrag-renn.pdf

17410 - new technology177
Bergmann, Helga. - Sprechen Daten wirklich f?r sich selbst? Ein Bericht vom BIG DATA-Symposium des Kulturinstituts an der Johannes Kepler Universit?t (JKU) in Linz, ?sterreich, 28./29. April 2017 [Do data really speak for themselves? A report on the BIG-DATA symposium held at Linz, Austria, 28-29 April 2017] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 20(2017)3, pp. 254-260. - Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2017-03-reportage-bergmann.pdf

17488 - research on methods183
Haraty, Mona; Wang, Zhongyuan; Wang, Helen; Iqbal, Shamsi; Teevan, Jaime. - Design and in-situ evaluation of a mixed-initiative approach to information organization (Lang.: eng). - In: JASIST, 68(2017)9, pp. 2211-2224. - Available at http://doi/10.1002/asi.23823/full

17411 - history of systems construction192
Saldanha, Gustavo Silva; Silva, Leyde Klebia Rodrigues da . - Os sistemas bibliogr?ficos em Gabriel Peignot: uma metabibliografia cient?fica [Gabriel Peignot's bibliographic systems: a scientific metabibliography] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em Ci?ncia da Informa??o, 22(2017)n. esp., pp. 96-119. - Available at http://portaldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/3234/1938

17494 - thesauri214
Ferneda, Edberto; Dias, Guilherme Ata?de. - Ontosmart: Um Modelo De Recupera??o De Informa??o Baseado Em Ontologia [OntoSmart: an ontology-based information retrievel model] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em Ci?ncia da Informa??o, 22(2017)2, pp. 170-187. - Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1981-5344/2081

17495 - thesauri214
Ara?jo, Lauro C?sar; Lima-Marques, Mamede. - Ontoprolog: Uma Linguagem Para Especifica??o De Discursos Sobre Ontologias [Ontoprolog: a language to specify discourses on ontologies] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em Ci?ncia da Informa??o, 22(2017)2, pp. 188-210. - Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1981-5344/2532

17412 - facets225
C?t?-Lapointe, Simon; Mas, Sabine. - La notion de facettes appliqu?e aux archives: un outil pour faciliter l'organisation et la diffusion [The notion of facets applied to archives: a tool to facilitate the organization and dissemination] (Lang.: fre). - In: Arbido, (2017)3, n.pag.. - Available at http://arbido.ch/de/artikelpdf/download.html?entryId=3317

17397 - KOS construction23
Sabetghadam, Serwah. - A graph-based model for multimodal information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - Vienna, Vienna University of Technology, 2017. - pp. xv, 141. - Available at http://resolver.obvsg.at/urn:nbn:at:at-ubtuw:1-94426

17482 - thesaurus construction235
Mart?nez-?vila, Daniel; Budd, John M.. - Epistemic warrant for categorizational activities and the development of controlled vocabularies (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 73(2017)4, pp. 700-715. - Available at http://doi/full/10.1108/JD-10-2016-0129

17477 - aboutness321
White, Howard D.. - Relevance theory and distributions of judgments in document retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 53(2017)5, pp. 1080-1102. - Available at http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2017.02.010

17413 - data analysis322
Messner, Philipp. - Records in Contexts - Vom Baum zum Netz [Records in Contexts - From the tree to the net] (Lang.: ger). - In: Arbido, (2017)3, n.pag.. - Available at http://arbido.ch/de/artikelpdf/download.html?entryId=3215

17414 - subject analysis323
Thi?baud, Charles-Edouard; Cl?ment, Aline. - L'art de la description [The art of the description] (Lang.: fre). - In: Arbido, (2017)3, n.pag.. - Available at http://arbido.ch/de/artikelpdf/download.html?entryId=3833

17415 - content analysis324
Emam, Heba. - Exzerpieren als Wissensverarbeitung von wissenschaftlichen Texten in der deutschen und ?gyptischen Universit [Excerption as knowledge processing of scholarly texts in the German and Egyptian universities] (Lang.: ger). - Munich, Iudicium Verlag, 2016. - pp. 240. Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 2016

17416 - content analysis324
Lima, Larissa de Mello; MORAES, Jo?o Batista Ernesto . - Legitima??o dos elementos te?rico-metodol?gicos da an?lise do discurso na Ci?ncia da Informa??o brasileira: Um aporte da an?lise de conte?do [The legitimation of the theoretical-methodological elements of discourse analysis in Brazilian Information Science: A content analysis approach] (Lang.: por). - In: Brazilian Journal of Information Studies: Research Trends, 11(2017)2, pp. 88-95. - Available at http://www2.marilia.unesp.br/revistas/index.php/bjis/article/view/6686/4517

17417 - semi-automatic indexing methods344
Fensel, Anna. - Towards semantic APIs for research data services (Lang.: eng). - In: Mitteilungen der V?B, 70(2017)2, pp. 157-169. - Available at http://ojs.univie.ac.at/index.php/voebm/article/view/1692

17418 - semi-automatic indexing methods344
[Rama], [Neko]. - Donn?es structur?es, la puissance de Wikidata au service de Wikimedia Commons [Structured data, the power of Wikidata in the service of Wikimedia Commons] (Lang.: fre). - In: Arbido, (2017)3, n.pag.. - Available at http://arbido.ch/de/artikelpdf/download.html?entryId=3228

17419 - semi-automatic indexing methods344
H?ttenschwiler, Diego. - Metagrid aus Sicht von Wikipedia [Metagrid from the view of Wikipedia] (Lang.: ger). - In: Arbido, (2017)3, n.pag.. - Available at http://arbido.ch/de/artikelpdf/download.html?entryId=3657

17420 - semi-automatic indexing methods344
Ferneda, Edberto; Dias, Guilherme Ata?de . - OntoSmart: um modelo de recupera??o de informa??o baseado em ontologia [OntoSmart: an ontology-based information retrievel model] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em Ci?ncia da Informa??o, 22(2017)2, pp. 170-87. - Available at http://portaldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/2081/1882

17421 - semi-automatic indexing methods344
Corr?a, Renato Fernandes; Baz?, Luiz Henrique Teixeira . - An?lise da extra??o de descritores como sintagmas nominais atrav?s do software OGMA [Analysis of extraction of descriptors as noun phrases through the OGMA software] (Lang.: por). - In: Encontros Bibli: revista eletr?nica de biblioteconomia e ci?ncia da informa??o, 22(2017)50, pp. 44-58. - Available at http://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/eb/article/view/1518-2924.2017v22n50p44/34689

17422 - semi-automatic indexing methods344
Chen, Lin-Chih. - An effective LDA-based time topic model to improve blog search performance (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 53(2017)6, pp. 1299-1319. - Available at http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2017.08.001

17423 - semi-automatic indexing methods344
Gaud?ncio, M?rio; Albuquerque, Maria Elizabeth Baltar Carneiro de. - Representa??o sem?ntico-discursiva de cibercord?is [Semantic-discursive representation of cybercords] (Lang.: por). - In: Em Quest?o, 23(2017)1, pp. 129-153. - Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.19132/1808-5245231.129-153

17470 - automatic online indexing347
Vandic, Damir . - Intelligent information systems for web product search (Lang.: eng). - Rotterdam, Erasmus Institute of Management, 2017. - pp. 244.(ERIM Ph.D. Series Research in Management (No. EPS-2017-405-LIS)). - Available at http://hdl.handle.net/1765/95490 Dissertation, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 2017

17471 - automatic online indexing347
Stoll, Kurt Uwe. - Using existing structured data as a learning set for web information extraction in e-commerce (Lang.: eng). - Neubiberg, Universit?t der Bundeswehr M?nchen, 2016. - pp. XVI, 223. - Available at http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:706-5126

17424 - encoding of text and data366
Degkwitz, Andreas. - Die Tradition des Textes und die Herausforderung der Daten [The tradition of the text and the challenge of the data] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 41(2017)2, pp. 224-230. - Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2017-0022

17398 - UDC42
?urcan, Nelly. - De ce articolele ?tiin?ifice au nevoie de CZU? [Why do scientific articles need the UDC?] (Lang.: ). - In: Studia Universitatis Moldaviae. Seria ?tiin?e Sociale, nr. 3(103), 2017, pp. 21-29.2017. (?tiin?e Sociale). - Available at http://ibn.idsi.md/ro/vizualizare_articol/52268

17501 - UDC42
Mu?at, Rodica. - Clasificarea Zecimal? Universal? : rolul acestei clasific?ri bibliografice ?i repere istorice [The Universal Decimal Classification : its role as a bibliographic classification and some historical milestones] (Lang.: rom). - In: Biblioteca, 26(2015)7, pp. 197-201.

17425 - language formalisation715
Santos, Jadson; Andrade, Felipe; Jorge, Eduardo Manuel de Freitas; Jo?o Batista, Hugo Saba. - Redes complexas de hom?nimos para an?lise sem?ntica textual [Homonyms's Complex Networks to Semantic Analysis Textual] (Lang.: por). - In: Informa??o&Informa??o, 22(2017)1, pp. 293-305. - Available at http://www.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/informacao/article/view/24769/21060

17426 - semantic networks725
Kuczera, Andreas. - Graphentechnologien in den Digitalen Geisteswissenschaften [Graph technologies in the digital humanities] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI Technik, 37(2017)3, pp. 179-196. - Available at http://doi:10.1515/abitech-2017-0042

17427 - semantic networks725
M?hling, Annika; Piontkowitz, Pia; P?tz, Gabriele; W?hler, Lukas. - Abspeichern statt Abheften - den digitalen Schuhkarton sortieren: Leitfaden f?r den Einstieg in die Archivierung digitaler Daten [Storing instead of filing - sorting the digital shoebox: Guidelines for entering archiving of digital data] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 20(2017)3, pp. 242-245. - Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2017-03/fachbeitrag-muehling.pdf

17428 - semantic networks725
Buddenbohm, Stefan; Matoni, Markus; Schmunk, Stefan; Thiel, Carsten. - Quality assessment for the sustainable provision of software components and digital research infrastructures for the arts and humanities (Lang.: eng). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 41(2017)2, pp. 231-241. - Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2017-0024

17429 - semantic networks725
Neubauer, Georg. - Visualization of typed links in Linked Data (Lang.: eng). - In: Mitteilungen der V?B, 70(2017)2, pp. 179-199. - Available at http://ojs.univie.ac.at/index.php/voebm/article/view/1748

17430 - semantic networks725
Dunant Gonzenbach, Anouk. - Archival linked open data - Le projet suisse aLOD [Archival linked open data - The Swiss project of aLOD [archival linked open data working party]] (Lang.: fre). - In: Arbido, (2017)3, n.pag.. - Available at http://arbido.ch/de/artikelpdf/download.html?entryId=3278

17431 - semantic networks725
Bender, Michael. - Forschungsumgebungen in den Digital Humanities: Nutzerbedarf, Wissenstransfer, Textualit [Research environments in the Digital Humanities: User needs, knowledge transfer, textuality] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, Boston, De Gruyter, 2016. - pp. XII, 341. Dissertation, Darmstadt University of Technology, 2015

17432 - semantic networks725
Jorente, Maria Jos? Vicentini; Padua, Mariana Cantisani; Santarem Segundo, Jos? Eduardo . - Cria??o de padr?es na web sem?ntica: perspectivas e desafios [Design of patterns in the Semantic Web: prospects and challenges] (Lang.: por). - In: Em Quest?o, 23(2017)3, pp. 157-78. - Available at http://seer.ufrgs.br/index.php/EmQuestao/article/view/70466/41289

17498 - semantic networks725
Fr?ncu, Victoria. - VIAF: despre uniformitate, consecven?? ?i date interconectate deschise [VIAF: on uniformity, consistency and linked open data] (Lang.: rom). - In: Biblioteca, 17(2016)6, pp. 163-168.

17466 - semantic networks - record structure725;945
Suominen, Osma; Hyv?nen, Nina. - From MARC silos to Linked Data silos? (Lang.: eng). - In: o-bib, 4(2017)2, pp. 1-13. - Available at http://doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2017H2S1-13

17433 - NLP methods733
Pilz, Anja. - Entity linking to Wikipedia: Grounding entity mentions in natural language text using thematic context distance and collective search (Lang.: eng). - Bonn, University of Bonn, 2016. - pp. xiii, 184. - Available at http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:5n-42406

17473 - NLP methods733
Schuhmacher, Michael. - Knowledge graph exploration for natural language understanding in web information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - Mannheim, University of Mannheim, 2016. - pp. xii, 140. - Available at http://ub-madoc.bib.uni-mannheim.de/41485

17489 - NLP methods733
Corr?a, Renato Fernandes; Baz?lio, Luiz Henrique Teixeira. - An?lise da extra??o de descritores como sintagmas nominais atrav?s do software OGMA [Analysis of extraction of descriptors as noun phrases through the OGMA software] (Lang.: por). - In: Encontros Bibli, 22(2017)50, pp. 44-58. - Available at http://10.5007/1518-2924.2017v22n50p44

17476 - online retrieval problems751
Vechtomova, Olga. - Disambiguating context-dependent polarity of words: An information retrieval approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 53(2017)5, pp. 1062-1079. - Available at http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2017.03.007

17490 - online retrieval problems751
Monteiro, Silvana Drumond; Fernandes, Rog?rio Paulo Muller; DeCarli, Gian Carlo; Trevisan, Gustavo Lunardelli. - Sistemas de recupera??o da informa??o e o conceito de relev?ncia nos mecanismos de busca: sem?ntica e significa? [Information retrieval systems and the relevance concept in search engines: semantics and significance] (Lang.: por). - In: Encontros Bibli, 22(2017)50, pp. 161-175. - Available at http://10.5007/1518-2924.2017v22n50p161

17434 - Internet gateways752.3
Mu?at, Rodica. - Accesul la subiect ?n cadrul bibliografiilor na?ionale [Subject access in national bibliographies] (Lang.: rom). - In: Biblioteca, 27(2016)8, pp. 248-251.

17435 - online queries754
Geist, Anton. - Rechtsdatenbanken und Relevanzsortierung [Computer-assisted legal research systems and relevance ranking] (Lang.: ger). - Vienna, University of Vienna, 2016. - pp. vii, 218. - Available at http://othes.univie.ac.at/44138/

17475 - online systems evaluation759
Losada, David E.; Parapar, Javier; Barreiro, Alvaro. - Multi-armed bandits for adjudicating documents in pooling-based evaluation of information retrieval systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 53(2017)5, pp. 1005-1025. - Available at http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2017.04.005

17500 - multilingual IR797
Micle, Maria; Lovasz, Agneta. - Multilingual indexing in an intercultural context (Lang.: eng). - In: In: Micle, M., Mesaros, C. (ed.). Communication Today: an Overview from Online Journalism to Applied Philosophy.Budapest, Trivent Publishing, 2016.

17436 - tagging835
Neunerdt, Melanie. - Part-of-Speech tagging and detection of social media texts (Lang.: eng). - Aachen, Apprimus Verlag, 2016. - pp. V, 123. Dissertation, RWTH Aachen University, 2015

17437 - tagging835
Santos, Raimundo Nonato Ribeiro dos; Neves, Dulce Am?lia de Brito; Freire, Isa Maria . - Organiza??o da informa??o em blogs: An?lise do uso de etiquetas no blog De Olho na CI [The organization of information on blogs: Analysis of the use of tags in the blog De Olho na CI] (Lang.: por). - In: Ponto de Acesso, 11(2017)1, pp. 2-19. - Available at http://portalseer.ufba.br/index.php/revistaici/article/view/21438/14662

17479 - tagging - audio indexing - descriptors835;877;226
Ziwon Hyung, Joon-Sang Park, Kyogu Lee. - Utilizing context-relevant keywords extracted from a large collection of user-generated documents for music discovery (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 53(2017)5, pp. 1185-1200.

17438 - archive indexing847
M?ller, Christa; Mokre, Jan; Hintersonnleitner, Michael. - AKON - Ansichtskarten Online [AKON - Ansichtskarten Online: The Digital Postcard portal of the Austrian National Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 41(2017)2, pp. 149-155. - Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2017-0031

17439 - archive indexing847
Kern, Gilliane; Remize, Michel; Texier, Bruno. - Les ?data? ? l'honneur: extraits du magazine Archimag [The data in the spotlight: excerpts from the magazine Archimag] (Lang.: fre). - In: Arbido, (2017)3, n.pag.. - Available at http://arbido.ch/de/artikelpdf/download.html?entryId=3021

17440 - archive indexing847
Cervantes, Br?gida Maria Nogueira; Suenaga, Cynthia Maria Kiyonaga; Rodrigues, Maria Rosemary . - Os conceitos no tratamento da informa??o arquiv?stica: unidade basilar para a compreens?o do conte?do documental [Concepts in Treatment of Archival Information: basic unit for the comprehension of documentary content] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em Ci?ncia da Informa??o, 22(2017)n. esp., pp. 131-51. - Available at http://portaldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/3237/1915

17399 - NBM indexing87
Maia, Manuela Eug?nio; Oliveira, Bernardina Maria Juvenal Freire de; Neves, Dulce Am?lia de Brito . - Aprecia??o sobre a indexa??o de cordel a partir do contexto de mapa conceitual [Evaluation about the cordel indexing from the concept map context] (Lang.: por). - In: Revista Brasileira de Biblioteconomia e Documenta??o, 13(2017)1, pp. 15-42. - Available at http://rbbd.febab.org.br/rbbd/article/view/470/585

17441 - NBM indexing problems871
Rannharter, Nina; Teetor, Sarah. - Challenges of building and maintaining an image database: A use case based on the digital research archive for Byzantium (DiFAB) (Lang.: eng). - In: Mitteilungen der V?B, 70(2017)2, pp. 208-224. - Available at http://ojs.univie.ac.at/index.php/voebm/article/view/1749

17442 - NBM indexing problems871
Padilha, Renata Cardozo; Caf?, L?gia Maria Arruda. - A interoperabilidade sem?ntica entre acervos de museus: discutindo o caso dos Museus da Imagem e do Som [The semantic interoperability between collections of museums: discussing the case of the Museums of the Image and Of the sound] (Lang.: por). - In: Em Quest?o, 23(2017)1, pp. 113-128. - Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.19132/1808-5245231.113-128

17469 - NBM indexing problems871
Wagner, Markus. - Integrating Explicit Knowledge in the Visual Analytics Process (Lang.: eng). - Vienna, Vienna University of Technology, 2017. - pp. 346. - Available at http://resolver.obvsg.at/urn:nbn:at:at-ubtuw:1-100388

17472 - NBM indexing problems871
Weyand, Tobias. - Visual discovery of landmarks and their details in large-scale image collections (Lang.: eng). - Aachen, Shaker, 2016. - Available at http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:82-rwth-2017-002035 Dissertation, RWTH Aachen University, 2016

17467 - video indexing - KO metadata875;918
Piguet, Michel. - Abgleich von Film-Metadaten [Analyzing film metadata] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 20(2017)4, pp. 310-314. - Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2017-04-nachrichtenbeitrag-piguet.pdf

17474 - audio indexing877
Smiraglia, Richard P; Graf, Ann M. . - From Music Cataloging to the Organization of Knowledge: An Interview with Richard P. Smiraglia (Lang.: eng). - In: CCQ, 55(2017)5, pp. 269-288. - Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01639374.2017.1312653

17484 - audio indexing877
Xiao Hu, Noriko Kando . - Task complexity and difficulty in music information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - JASIST, 68(2017)7, pp. 1711-1723,

17485 - audio indexing877
Xiao Hu, Yi-Hsuan Yang. - The mood of Chinese Pop music: Representation and recognition (Lang.: eng). - JASIST, 68(2017)8, pp. 1899-1910,

17486 - museum indexing878
Minkov, Einat; Kahanov, Keren; Kuflik, Tsvi. - Graph-based recommendation integrating rating history and domain knowledge: Application to on-site guidance of museum visitors (Lang.: eng). - In: JASIST, 68(2017)8, pp. 1911-1924. - Available at http://doi/10.1002/asi.23837/full

17487 - indexing in88
Yi Zhang, Guangquan Zhang, Donghua Zhu, Jie Lu . - Scientific evolutionary pathways: Identifying and visualizing relationships for scientific topics (Lang.: eng). - In: JASIST, 68(2017)8, pp. 1925-1939.

17491 - KO work descriptions913
Aganette, Elis?ngela Cristina; Teixeira, Livia Marangon Duffles; Aganette, Karina de Jesus Pinto. - A representa??o descritiva nas perspectivas do s?culo XXI um estudo evolutivo dos modelos conceituais [The descriptive representation in the perspectives of the XXI century: an evolutionary study of the conceptual models] (Lang.: por). - In: Encontros Bibli, 22(2017)50, pp. 176-187. - Available at http://10.5007/1518-2924.2017v22n50p176

17499 - KO work organization916
Fr?ncu, Victoria. - Necesitatea separ?rii colec?iilor ?n bibliotecile academice [The need of separating collections in academic libraries] (Lang.: rom). - In: Biblioteca f?r? frontiere : lucr?rile celei de-a XXVII-a Conferin?e Na?ionale a Asocia?iei Bibliotecarilor din Rom?nia. Timi?oara: Editura Universit??ii de Vest, Bucure?ti: Editura ABR, 2017. pp. 65-72.

17443 - KO metadata918
Block, Barbara; K?hn, Roswitha. - E-Book-Metadaten Pool und E-Book-Management Tool - ein Kooperationsprojekt von BSZ und VZG [eBook metadata pool and eBook management tool - a co-operative project of BSZ and VZG [two German library networks]] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 51(2017)8, pp. 664-674. - Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bd-2017-0072

17444 - KO metadata918
Koch, Walter; Koch, Gerda. - Aggregation and management of metadata in the context of Europeana (Lang.: eng). - In: Mitteilungen der V?B, 70(2017)2, pp. 170-178. - Available at http://ojs.univie.ac.at/index.php/voebm/article/view/1776

17445 - KO metadata918
Petritsch, Barbara. - Metadata for research data in practice (Lang.: eng). - In: Mitteilungen der V?B, 70(2017)2, pp. 200-207. - Available at http://ojs.univie.ac.at/index.php/voebm/article/view/1678

17446 - KO metadata918
Kop?csi, S?ndor; Hudak, Rastislav; Ganguly, Raman. - Implementation of a classification server to support metadata organization for long term preservation systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Mitteilungen der V?B, 70(2017)2, pp. 225-243. - Available at http://ojs.univie.ac.at/index.php/voebm/article/view/1897

17447 - KO metadata918
Blumesberger, Susanne; Zartl, Alexander. - Umgang mit Metadaten in Repositorien - Eine ?sterreichweite Umfrage [Handling metadata in repositories - An Austria-wide survey] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der V?B, 70(2017)2, pp. 249-273. - Available at http://ojs.univie.ac.at/index.php/voebm/article/view/1850

17448 - KO metadata918
Morisod, Pascal. - Donn?es et m?tadonn?es, aux sources de l'information num?rique [Data and metadata, to the sources of digital information] (Lang.: fre). - In: Arbido, (2017)3, n.pag.. - Available at http://arbido.ch/de/artikelpdf/download.html?entryId=3858

17449 - KO metadata918
Orban de Xivry, Dominique; Adamski, Muriel. - Garantir la bonne sant? des donn?es par la gestion des m?tadonn?es [Guaranteeing good data health through metadata management] (Lang.: fre). - In: Arbido, (2017)3, n.pag.. - Available at http://arbido.ch/de/artikelpdf/download.html?entryId=3054

17450 - KO metadata918
Maday, Charlotte. - Les m?tadonn?es, c'est simple comme un pot de confiture! [Metadata is as simple as a jar of jam!] (Lang.: fre). - In: Arbido, (2017)3, n.pag.. - Available at http://arbido.ch/de/artikelpdf/download.html?entryId=3186

17451 - KO metadata918
Schmerbauch, Maik. - Metadata standards in international archives (Lang.: eng). - In: Arbido, (2017)3, n.pag.. - Available at http://arbido.ch/de/artikelpdf/download.html?entryId=3633

17452 - KO metadata918
Cavegn-Pfister, Erica; Wirth, Andrea; Wittwer, Barbara; Wolff; Marianne. - Metadatenmanagement - Wie die ETH-Bibliothek ein neu entstandenes Arbeitsfeld bedient [Metadata management - How the ETH-Library responds to a newly developed field of work] (Lang.: ger). - In: Arbido, (2017)3, n.pag.. - Available at http://arbido.ch/de/artikelpdf/download.html?entryId=3617

17453 - KO metadata918
Zala, Sacha; Sibille, Christiane. - Metagrid und die Vernetzung von Metadaten [Metagrid and the networking of metadata] (Lang.: ger). - In: Arbido, (2017)3, n.pag.. - Available at http://arbido.ch/de/artikelpdf/download.html?entryId=3729

17454 - KO metadata918
Sharon Farnel, Ali Shiri, Sandra Campbell, Cathy Cockney, Dinesh Rathi & Robyn Stobbs. - A Community-Driven Metadata Framework for Describing Cultural Resources: The Digital Library North Project (Lang.: eng). - In: CCQ, 55(2017)5, . - Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01639374.2017.1312723

17455 - KO metadata918
Doran, Claire Doran; Martin, Cheryl. - Measuring Success in Outsourced Cataloging: A Data-Driven Investigation (Lang.: eng). - In: CCQ, 55(2017)5, . - Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01639374.2017.1317309

17468 - KO metadata - semantic networks918;725
Merzaghi, Michele. - Informationen finden und Wissen verlinken - Der Weg der Metadatenstandards vom Archivregal zu den Linked Data [Finding and linking knowledge - The way of metadata standards from archive shelves to linked data] (Lang.: ger). - In: Arbido, (2017)3, n.pag.. - Available at http://arbido.ch/de/artikelpdf/download.html?entryId=3260

17492 - KO historical persons922
Sales, Rodrigo. - A Classifica??o de Livros de William Torrey Harris: influ?ncias de Bacon e Hegel nas classifica??es de biblioteca [The book classification of William Torrey Harris: Influences of Bacon and Hegel in library classification] (Lang.: por). - In: Encontros Bibli, 22(2017)50, pp. 188-204. - Available at http://10.5007/1518-2924.2017v22n50p188

17456 - international KO institutions927
Fuchs, Thomas. - Der Masse Herr werden: Das DFG-Projekt Erschliessung der Autographen- und Brief?berlieferung der Universit?tsbibliothek Leipzig [Mastering the plenty: The DFG project on cataloguing the autographs and letters at the Leipzig University Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: BIS - Das Magazin der Bibliotheken in Sachsen, 10(2017)2, pp. 72-73. - Available at http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa2-162179

17457 - bibliography941
Kratzer, Mathias. - URLs in bibliographischen Datens?tzen - Segen oder Fluch? [URLs in bibliographic records - blessing or curse?] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI Technik, 37(2017)2, pp. 154-154. - Available at http://doi:10.1515/abitech-2017-0033

17458 - archival description943
Padr?n, Dunia Llanes; Fujita, Mari?ngela Spotti Lopes . - La representaci?n de documentos y autoridades archiv?sticas: una mirada desde la perspectiva de la normalizaci?n. [The representation the documents and authorities archivist: a look from the perspective of standardization.] (Lang.: spa). - In: Perspectivas em Ci?ncia da Informa??o, 22(2017)2, pp. 211-31. - Available at http://portaldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/2643/1884

17459 - record structure945
Felisberto, Prox?rio Manoel; Marcelino, Roderval; Gon?alves, Alexandre Leopoldo; Alves, Jo?o Bosco da Mota. - Recupera??o da informa??o e a consulta ? base de dados no processo de busca do Mecanismo Online para Refer?ncias [Information retrieval and consultation based on data in the search process of the Online Mechanism for references] (Lang.: por). - In: Em Quest?o, 22(2017)3, pp. 84-109. - Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.19132/1808-5245223.84-109

17460 - bibliographic description946
Simionato, Ana Carolina; Santos, Pl?cida Leopoldina Ventura Amorim da Costa. - Modelo conceitual DILAM: integra??o entre arquivos, bibliotecas e museus [DILAM Conceptual Model: integration of archives, libraries and museums] (Lang.: por). - In: Informa??o&Sociedade: Estudos 27(2017)2, pp. 63-73. - Available at http://www.ies.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ies/article/view/30902/pdf

17461 - bibliographic description946
Luciana Candida da Silva, Jos? Eduardo Santarem Segundo, Zaira Regina Zafalon, Pl?cida Leopoldina Ventura Amorim da Costa Santos. - O c?digo RDA e a iniciativa BIBFRAME: tend?ncias da representa??o da informa??o no dom?nio bibliogr?fico [The RDA code and the BIBFRAME initiative: representation of the trends in the field of bibliographic information] (Lang.: por). - In: Em Quest?o, 23(2017)3, pp. 130-56. - Available at http://seer.ufrgs.br/index.php/EmQuestao/article/view/69549/41062

17496 - bibliographic record display947
Medeiros, Graziela Martins de; Br?scher, Marisa; Vianna, William Barbosa. - A indexa??o de assunto em documentos arquiv?sticos: converg?ncias e diverg?ncias em artigos internacionais [The indexing of subject in archival documents: convergences and divergences in international articles] (Lang.: por). - In: Em Quest?o, 23(2017)1, pp. 154-182. - Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.19132/1808-5245231.154-182

17478 - KO curricula952
Smith, Catherine L.; Gwizdka, Jacek; Feild, Henry. - The use of query auto-completion over the course of search sessions with multifaceted information needs (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 53(2017)5, pp. 1139-1155. - Available at http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2017.05.001

17462 - information use981
Ferwerda, Bruce. - Improving the user experience of music recommender systems through personality and cultural information (Lang.: eng). - Linz, University of Linz, 2016. - pp. x, 223. - Available at http://resolver.obvsg.at/urn:nbn:at:at-ubl:1-11179

17463 - information use981
Lopes, Carla Teixeira; Paiva, Dagmara; Ribeiro, Cristina. - Effects of language and terminology of query suggestions on medical accuracy considering different user characteristics (Lang.: eng). - In: JASIST, 68(2017)9, pp. 2063-2075. - Available at http://doi/10.1002/asi.23874/full

17481 - information use981
Orso, Valeria; Ruotsalo, Tuukka; Leino, Jukka; GAmberini, Luciano; Jacucci, Giulio. - Overlaying social information: The effects on users' search and information-selection behavior (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 53(2017)6, pp. 1269-1286. - Available at http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2017.06.001

17480 - use of classifications984
Youngjoong Ko. - How to use negative class information for Naive Bayes classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 53(2017)6, pp. 1255-1268. - Available at http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2017.07.005

17464 - authority files998
Fuchs, Claudio; Pampel, Heinz; Vierkant, Paul. - ORCID in Deutschland - Ergebnisse einer Bestandsaufnahme im Jahr 2016 [ORCID in Germany - Results of an inventory made in 2016] (Lang.: ger). - In: o-bib, 4(2017)2, pp. 35-55. - Available at http://doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2017H2S35-55

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