Published documents

Conference outputs | KO systems | Technical reports | Journal papers | Books

The following documents have been recommended to knowledge organizers in ISKO homepage for some days or weeks (depending on the flow of new publications replacing them). They are automatically archived here in reversed chronological order. Their selection was made by the webmaster on the basis of KO-related mailing lists and Twitter users (especially @BARTOC_UBBasel) across the world, TOC alerts from major academic journals, and individual advices.

Conference outputs

    UK ISKO Conference. 7
    ISKO 2024 Proceedings: KO for resilience in times of crisis
    Multilingual digital terminology today. 2023
    Annual Meeting of the Document Academy. 2023
    Formal ontologies in information systems. 13
    Generative AI at Taxonomy Bootcamp conference
    Advances in conceptual modeling
    North American Symposium on KO. 2023
    Semantics. 2023
    Multilingual digital terminology today. 2023
    Knowledge Graph Conference. 2023
    Perspectives from software developers and subject specialists on ML projects
    NKOS Workshop. 2022
    CIDOC. 2021
    International ISKO Conference. 17 (Twitter)
    European NKOS Workshop. 20
    European Semantic Web Conference. 19
    Controlled vocabularies and KO for the digital humanities
    North American Symposium of KO. 8
    Spanish-Portuguese ISKO Conference. 5
    JOWO: The Joint Ontology Workshops. 2021
    Subject to change (WLIC SAA)
    Italian ISKO Meeting. 10
    SemOC. 2021: História e memória da KO no Brasil [video]
    Metadata and semantic research. 14
    Wissensorganisation und Bibliographische Daten (WikiCite. 2020) [video]
    International ISKO Conference. 2020
    Myths and half truths about semantic data modelling [video] (ISKO UK Meetup)
    International Semantic Web Conference. 19. Part 1
    Spanish-Portuguese ISKO Conference. 4
    Seoul NKOS Workshop (JDIS)
    Terminology workshop (Linked Conservation Data)
    Spanish-Portuguese ISKO Conference. 4
    Dublin Core. 2019: Seoul
    Semantic Web in libraries. 2019
    Conceptions of Library and Information Science. 10
    WLIC. 2019. International Dewey Users Meeting [video]
    Taxonomy Boot Camp conferences. 2019
    DCMI NKOS Workshop
    French ISKO Conference. 12
    WLIC. 2019. Subject Analysis and Access Section
    European NKOS Workshop. 19
    European Dewey Users Group meeting. 2019
    North American Symposium on KO. 2019
    Brazilian ISKO Conference. 5
    Ontology Summit. 2019. Communiqué:explanations
    UK ISKO Conference. 6: Creativity, ethics and AI in KO
    Organism naming practices in and out of biology (ISHPSSB 2019)
    CEUR Workshop Proceedings. IAOA Series
    Sorting libraries out: decolonizing classification and indigenizing description. 2019
    Conceptions of library and information science. 10
    Italian ISKO Meeting. 9
    Authority management of people names
    CIDOC. 2018: Provenance of knowledge
    North American Symposium on KO. 2017
    Taxonomy Boot Camp. 2018: AI and taxonomies (AT)
    International Dewey Users Meeting. 2018 [audio]
    Taxonomy Boot Camp London. 2018 (AT)
    European NKOS Workshop. 18
    IFLA WLIC. Subject Analysis and Access Section open session on Automatic indexing
    Ontology Summit. 2018: Contexts in context
    KO at Porto; ISKO 2018 (The occasional informationist)
    DocPerform Symposium. 2
    LOD professional development workshop (ISKO UK)
    European DDC Users Group Meeting. 2018
    GlobaLex. 2018: Lexicography & wordnets
    WissOrg: German ISKO Conference. 15: KO for digital humanities
    Italian ISKO Meeting. 8 (Bibliotime)
    Workshop on ontology design and patterns. 8
    ASIST SIG-CR Workshop. 2017: Multi-perspective classification
    Brazilian ISKO Conference. 4. English proceedings
    French ISKO Conference. 11: Pionniers francophones
    European NKOS Workshop. 17
    Brazilian ISKO Conference. 5: Memória, tecnologia e cultura na KO
    Ontology Summit. 2017
    Optimizing subject access to legal resources (WLIC)
    German-Polish ISKO Conferences 2011-2015
    Conceptions of Library and Information Science. 9
    Italian ISKO Meeting. 8
    Conceptions of library and information science. 9
    CaMMS forum (ALA): Problematic terminology or gaps in established vocabularies
    IFLA 2016 Classification & Indexing Satellite Meeting
    Il nome delle cose: il linguaggio controllato come punto di incontro tra archivi, biblioteche e musei
    Conceptual modeling. 2016
    Dublin Core and metadata applications. 2016
    European NKOS Workshop. 15
    IFLA 2016 Classification & Indexing Satellite Meeting
    Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analysen. 2016
    Reclaiming subject access to indigenous knowledge (WLIC. 2016)
    Ontology Summit. 2016
    Language Resources and Evaluation. 2016
    EKAW 2014 and Semantic Web Journal Track
    European DDC Users Group Meeting. 2016
    DTT Symposion. 2016: Terminology and culture
    Recent applications of KOSs (IJDL)
    DOCAM. 2015: Documents unbounded
    NKOS Workshop at ICADL. 1
    Spanish-Portuguese ISKO Conference. 2
    UDC Seminar. 2015: Classification and authority control
    Classification as a tool for research: GfKl conference. 33
    Visualizations and user interfaces for ontologies and linked data
    ASIS&T Classification Research Workshop. 25
    European NKOS Workshop. 14
    GeoVoCamps: taking stock
    Dublin Core and metadata applications. 2015
    Global and local KO
    Italian ISKO Meeting. 7 (Bibliotime)
    Innovations in KO. 1
    Ethics in KO. 3
    Ontology Summit. 2015
    Evolution and variation of classification systems
    The Great Debate: traditional thesaurus vs modern IR (ISKOUK)
    [Digital knowledge] and critical thinking: Noetica vs. informatica (JLIS.it)
    Knowledge Maps and Information Retrieval. 2014 (TPDL)
    KO goes mobile (ISKOUK)
    Taxonomy Boot Camp. 10
    European NKOS Workshop. 13 (DL)
    Terminology and knowledge engineering. 2014
    Ontology Summit. 2014
    Ontology Summit. 2013 (AO)
    UDC Seminar. 2013: Classification & visualization
    European NKOS Workshop. 12
    DCMI: Dublin Core and metadata applications. 2013
    COLIS: Conceptions of library and information science. 8
    UK ISKO Conference. 3
    Brazil ISKO Conference. 2
    European Semantic Web Conference. 10
    6th ISKO Italy Meeting
    Ontology Summit. 2013
    5th ISKO Italy meeting
    Terminologie & ontologie : théories et applications. 2010
    past ISKO Spain conferences
    Epistemology of information & communication
    Digital libraries and the Semantic Web: Trento
    New technologies for cultural heritage (ISKO UK)
    Terminology and artificial intelligence
    Concepts in context: interoperability and semantics in KO
    European NKOS workshop (ECDL)
    Legal know-how: organization and semantic analysis (ISKO UK)
    Linked data: the future of KO on the Web (ISKO UK)
    Legal know-how: organization & semantic analysis (ISKO UK)
    Content architecture: 1st ISKO UK conference (Aslib proceedings)
    ISKO France. 8: Stabilité et dynamisme dans l'OC
    ISKO UK. 2: Facets of KO: A tribute to BC Vickery
    Ontology Summit. 2013
    The shape of knowlegde (ISKOUK)
    Words and their meanings (Online information)
    Ontology-based standards
    Beyond libraries: Subject metadata in the digital environment and semantic web (IFLA)
    European NKOS Workshop. 11
    KO in musei, teatri e archivi multimediali (ISKOI)
    L'organisation des connaissances (ISKOF)
    Ontology for big systems (Ontology summit)
    Facets of KO (ISKOUK)
    European NKOS Workshop. 10
    ISKO Spain. 10: 20 años del Capítulo Español (EPI)
    Ontologies come of age in the semantic Web

KO systems

    GND cross-concordances
    Allergy Ontology
    Mathematics thesaurus
    Wessex Classification and Indexes LGBTQ+ review
    MeSH français-anglais
    Nomenclature for Museum Cataloguing. SPARQL endpoint
    Flood Disaster Support Ontology
    ICD-11 2023 release
    GFO: The General Formal Ontology (AO)
    ISO/IEC 21838: Top-level ontologies
    Konstanzer Systematik in BARTOC
    Nuovo Soggettario guide, 2nd edition
    TherminoMines + ThesoMines + OntoMines
    LIDO: Lightweight Information Describing Objects, version 1.1
    LRM elements set as RDF
    Catalogue of Life portal
    AgroVoc in Russian
    Colon Classification in Wikidata
    CODO: COviD-19 Ontology for Cases and Patient information
    Schema.org 7.0
    Integrative Levels Classification as SKOS
    DDI XKOS released for public use
    RAMEAU, livraison juin 2019
    Information Coding Classification as SKOS
    Draft Taxonomy for Codes of Welsh Law
    KBpedia as open source
    International Classification of Diseases, 11th revision
    Regensburger Verbundklassifikation as RDF
    ArCo: Architettura della conoscenza ontology network
    KBpedia Knowledge Ontology
    2018 Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
    CAB Thesaurus 2017 ed.
    Library Bibliographic Classification (BBK) as LOD
    deepschema.org: an ontology for typing entities in the Web of data
    UNESCO Thesaurus with VocBench and Skosmos
    Semantic Sensor Network Ontology
    Library of Congress Classification online
    A taxonomic map of philosophy
    Ngā Upoko Tukutuku = Māori Subject Headings
    GermaNet: a German wordnet
    Schools Online Thesaurus
    XKOS: Extended Knowledge Organization System [for statistics]
    PHP library for JSKOS data format for knowledge organization systems
    The Art Genome Project
    Physics Subject Headings
    Global Agricultural Concept Scheme
    BISAC subject headings, 2015 ed.
    MESH: Medical Subject Headings RDF linked data
    Open Roget's: NLP-friendly implementation of the 1911 Roget's Thesaurus
    Multilingual homeopathic thesaurus
    Visual Resources Association Core RDF Ontology
    Tesaurus de termes de recerca / Generalitat de Catalunya
    TOP: a thesaurus of plant features for ecology and evolution
    Research Vocabularies Australia
    International Patent Classification version 2016.01
    Heritage data. Vocabularies
    STW Thesaurus for Economics 9.0
    Nature.com ontologies
    EuroVoc as SKOS
    Europeana Food and Drink. Classification scheme
    BabelNet 3.0
    EAGLE vocabularies for epigraphy in SKOS
    BabelNet: a very large multilingual encyclopedic dictionary and semantic network
    LC Medium of Performance Thesaurus for Music as linked data
    American Folklore Society Ethnographic Thesaurus as linked data
    InterActive Terminology for Europe
    BBC ontologies
    International Standard Language Resource Number
    EuroVoc now CC-BY
    LC Medium of Performance Thesaurus for Music
    BARTOC: Basel Register of Thesauri, Ontologies & Classifications
    English heritage vocabularies in SKOS
    LC-PREMIS preservation vocabularies
    Indiana philosophy ontology
    Portail électronique de terminologies/ontologies en santé
    Nuovo Soggettario [Italian subject headings now free]
    The Cool and Belkin faceted classification of information interactions revisited (IR)
    SWD [German subject headings] and German DDC as linked data
    UDC summaries in 25 languages
    UMBEL reference concept ontology and vocabulary
    Nuovo Soggettario as SKOS data
    EARTh, SnowTerm and EOSTerm thesauri
    ADMS: Asset Description Metadata Schema
    Agrovoc thesaurus as linked open data

Technical reports

    IFLA Metadata Newsletter. 10. 1
    50th anniversary of RVM as the Canadian indexing standard
    Defining taxonomy borders (IP)
    Generative AI for taxonomy creation (EK)
    Entwicklung der TOPCOP Taxonomie für Patientenportale
    History of modern information taxonomies (AT)
    A brief guide to mental health taxonomies (SK)
    Facets of street art: experiment from Portland (Lazy KO Blog)
    Why tumour naming needs to change (Nature)
    Should classification get undisciplined? (IM)
    Doug Lenat dies at 72 (NYT)
    Knowledge graphs and taxonomies (AI)
    Related concepts in taxonomies (AT)
    Taxonomies vs. ontologies (AT)
    IFLA Metadata Newsletter. 8. 2
    The value of KOSs (Lazy KO Blog)
    SKOS-XL for taxonomies (AT)
    Maintaining concept maps: a time-saver for terminologists (MKB)
    Polyhierarchy in taxonomies (AT)
    Named entities in taxonomies (AT)
    Knowledge graphs and their punk rhizomatics
    Taxonomies are metadata
    A termino-ontological resource in viral diseases
    Taxonomies from A/B
    Knowledge engineering and taxonomies (AT)
    IFLA Metadata Newsletter. 7. 1
    The Indexing Project: access points and data sharing (Brighton Design Archives)
    Ontologies and ethical AI
    Taxonomy trends (AT)
    An A to Z of indexing for National Indexing Day 2021
    Industry uses for taxonomies (AT)
    Who should create taxonomies? (AT)
    Creative cataloging with DDC: an e-book for school librarians
    Joe Biden in the DDC (025.431: The Dewey blog)
    Hierarchies in taxonomies, thesauri, ontologies, and beyond (AT)
    IFLA Metadata Newsletter. 6. 2
    Table of Mappings: DDC 001-999 to Table 3C--3 Arts and literature dealing with specific themes and subjects
    Differing definitions of ontologies (AT)
    Terminotics: a computational approach to terminology (TermCoord)
    国际知识组织学会 = ISKO (Baidu Encyclopedia)
    Big and bold: the audacity of shared metadata (CILIP. MDG. 2020)
    What makes the DDC so powerful (025.431: The Dewey blog)
    IKOS Bulletin. 2.2
    Come l'architettura dell'informazione plasma l'esperienza: la storia del Vietnam Veterans Memorial
    Tribute to Jolande Goldberg (TSLL)
    IFLA Metadata Newsletter. 6. 1
    Visualizing ontologies
    Thesaurus, Terminologie, Ontologie (TIB)
    Classement et valorisation des documentaires jeunesse (HAL)
    Why are the disciplines within the 600s so disparate? An explainer (025.431: the Dewey blog)
    Von frauenspezifischen Normdateien, Thesauri und adäquater Beschlagwortung (ÖNB)
    Of kings and presidents, or, the situation in Malaysia (025.431: The Dewey blog)
    Reclassifying the 200s at Simmons University (025.431: The Dewey blog)
    Meta-analysis of the KO domain: corpus bibliography
    Organizing ideas: a podcast about how libraries and archives are never neutral (Twitter)
    Research and applications of KOSs at National Science Library, China [video]
    Mapping taxonomies, thesauri and ontologies
    IFLA Metadata Newsletter. 5. 1
    KB explores artificial intelligence to generate metadata
    Creating training sets for taxonomy-based auto-categorization
    The source of the source (Synaptica)
    What's in a name? Taxonomy problems vex biologists (Quanta)
    Knowledge graphs and ontologies (AT)
    Taxonomy software trends: convergence and visualizations (AT)
    Mapping DDC 220-290 standard notation to the Optional arrangement for the Bible and specific religions
    Epistemology of KO: a metatheoretical study
    Abordagens teóricas de KO: uma análise a partir do CSKOL da ISKO
    Recent updates to the Ethnographic Thesaurus reflect needs of power users (LoC)
    Knowledge graphs: new directions for knowledge representation on the semantic Web
    Updating the Introduction for a WebDewey (and print-on-demand) world
    Measurement of thoughts during knowledge acquisition
    Taxonomy is dead...
    Taxonomy building steps
    [automatic interpretation of UDC numbers, PhD thesis in Hungarian with English abstract]
    Taxonomies for natural history collections (Europeana)
    IFLA Metadata Newsletter. 4. 2
    Bard Early College students "wrestle with Dewey" (025.431)
    What to consider when you are licensing a KOS
    Classifying everything (TaxoDiary)
    Library reclassification for mountain climbers
    Linking KOSs via Wikidata (DCMI)
    IFLA Metadata Newsletter. 4. 1
    How genrefication makes school libraries more like bookstores (KQED)
    Toward a model of intercultural warrant: a case of the KDC's cross-cultural adaptation of the DDC
    False taxonomy (Lazy KO Blog)
    Categories, tags, and taxonomies in WordPress
    To 3D is to classify: bringing KO theorising to the world of archiving of the third dimension
    Entwicklung von Konkordanzen für die Allgemeine Systematik öffentlicher Bibliotheken...
    The terminologist today and tomorrow: An interview with R. Maslias
    Subject searching (Gale)
    Enriching Iconclass LOD by linking keywords to AAT concepts
    Library classification in mathematics (CSHPM Notes)
    Vocabulaires dans le web de données : quels outils open-source ?
    IFLA Metadata Newsletter. 2017. 2
    Enriching Iconclass LOD by linking keywords to AAT concepts
    How the index card cataloged the world (the Atlantic)
    Ed-Fi SIG tackles issue of controlled vocabularies
    An introduction to KO and discovery
    Herramientas para la gestión de vocabularios controlados con soporte SKOS
    The need for reclassification of First Nations original material in memory institutions
    Issues in vocabulary management: a technical report of NISO
    Das neue Sacherschließungskonzept der DNB in der FAZ
    KOSs: when to scale up (Enterprise Knowledge)
    IFLA Metadata Newsletter. 2017. 1
    Subjects in authority records (ALA)
    Statistical classifications: modelling with SKOS
    NISO TR-06-201X: Issues in vocabulary management
    Iconclass and AI: examples from a development project at NMAAD in Oslo
    Vito Acconci's library: an interview with the late artist on his classification system
    Ferramenta para construção de tesauro semântico aplicado interoperável (P2PI)
    Combinatorics of compound keyword system for blog content [faceted] classification
    Taxonomies as KOSs
    We are all folksonomists!
    The secret life of taxonomies: web findability beyond browsing and facets (TCW)
    Avoiding mistakes in taxonomy hierarchical relationships (AT)
    The hidden politics of collection management
    KOSs and user centered design
    Faceted vocabularies [LCSH to FAST]
    Beyond digital: taxonomies & ecosystems
    When two things are like each other (Lazy KO blog)
    Le schéma de classification hiérarchique des documents administratifs
    Jacobean witchcraft drama in three library classification schemes: BISAC, DDC and LCC
    Sorry, Dewey, the decimals are outdated; the catalog of the future will aid indies
    Records in Contexts conceptual model: draft
    IFLA Section Subject Analysis and Access (former name: Classification & Indexing)
    The case of the disappearing classification
    Knowledge patterns: design and extraction (SSSW 2016)
    "A point along a line": the future of KO
    Connecting collections across national borders
    WikiProject Knowledge Organization Systems (Wikidata)
    Libraries in India following Colon Classification
    Ontologies vs taxonomies vs thesauri, and its place on the semantic Web
    Can we avoid biases in library classification systems? (LIS theory)
    Semantics for interoperability (Ontology Summit)
    Mapping und Erweiterung der Ontologie des Forschungsinformationssystems VIVO
    Wissenskosmos: a public real-time visualization of inquiry activities in Uni Library Dresden
    Turning the GND subject headings into a SKOS thesaurus
    A novel approach to terminology mappings: Apr 1, 2016 (Coli-conc)
    Library of Congress to cancel the subject heading Illegal Aliens
    Open source KOS software (Coli-conc)
    XKOS: a SKOS extension for statistical classifications
    Polyhierarchical thesauri: node labels
    Land cover classification system: classification concepts
    Los KOS en la evaluación científica: implicaciones para humanidades y ciencias sociales
    BISG implements new subject headings for young adult books
    Nomadic classification: classmark history and new browsing tool at NYPL
    Classement des ouvrages de la bibliothèque, Fondation Napoléon
    Library-Bibliographical Classification (LBC): the national system of the Russian Federation
    Gorgeous networks that help us understand the world (TED)
    IFLA metadata newsletter. 1.2
    A man with his head in the clouds: [Howard classification system]
    Taxonomies and terminologies
    Mapping BARTOC.org to Wikidata
    Wikipedia as an ontology for describing documents
    Global Agricultural Concept Scheme: the collaborative integration of three thesauri
    Mapping and expanding library classification for marginalized domains
    Whatchamacallit: controlled vocabularies for technical writers (SOAP! 2015)
    Classifying video games to best inform their audience
    DFG-Antrag zur Konkordanzen zwischen bibliothekarischen KOS
    KO competencies survey
    review of Olenin's Nouvel ordre bibliographique, St Petersburg 1809
    Bibliography of the British Technology Index
    Revisions to LCSH authority research and source citations
    Innovations in KO post-conference newsletter
    Classification schemes, thesauri and other KOSs: a linked data perspective (Linked pasts)
    Smart thesauri: using taxonomies with linked data (TaxoDiary)
    skos-history: Ontology and processing practices for versions of SKOS vocabularies
    Clade: a freely available, open source taxonomy and autoclassification tool
    Hashtag Erschliessung (E-LIS)
    FRBRoo 2.2
    IFLA Classification & Indexing Section newsletter. 50
    IFLA Classification & Indexing Section newsletter. 49
    DCMI NKOS Task Group
    JO Kaiser and his method of systematic indexing
    IFLA Classification and Indexing newsletter. 48
    IFLA Classification and Indexing newsletter. 47
    Getty vocabularies and linked data
    ISO 25964: Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies. 2
    Making the case for ontology (Ontology summit)
    Developing a Dublin Core application profile for KOS resources
    Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (IFLA)
    W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group
    Online catalogue and repository interoperability study
    IFLA Classification and Indexing newsletter. 46
    Do controlled vocabularies matter?
    ISO 25964-1: Thesauri for information retrieval
    Guidelines for subject access by national bibliographic agencies (IFLA)
    draft of ISO 25964-2: Interoperability with other vocabularies
    Ontology-Lexica Community Group (W3C)
    How to build a taxonomy: a poster
    L'indexation communautaire en bibliothèque
    Taxonomies are metadata

Journal papers

    Classifying musical medium of performance: object or property? (Notes)
    Multidimensionalidade e complexidade do conhecimento: uma ontologia da bioética
    KO (Elgar Encyclopedia of Interdisciplinarity)
    Semantic computing with IEML (CI)
    Automated DDC of Swedish library metadata using Annif (JDoc)
    The informative potential of bibliographic classification systems (JD)
    Interoperabilidade semântica: a perspectiva da abordagem ontológica de Quine (PCI)
    Use/user studies in KO (CCQ)
    Ranganathan and his legacy: special issue (ALIS)
    KO em Portugal: special issue (FKR)
    Congruencia entre misión, perfil de egreso y malla curricular (RIPA)
    From KO to KR and back (ALIS)
    Implementing the DDC optional arrangement for religion at a public library (CCQ)
    Revisiting Robert Pagès: documents and culture (PDA)
    Knowledge classification turns into book classification: some milestones (IJRLS)
    Subject cataloging by Norwegian cataloging agencies (CCQ)
    Phenomenon-based classification: an ARIST paper (JASIST)
    The levels of scientific disciplines (Topoi)
    Interoperabilidade semântica sob a perspectiva ontológica de Quine (PCI)
    Aggregating distributed KOSs (EL)
    The classification scheme of the BookTube community (EQ)
    Linear listing order and hierarchical classification (EJT)
    Scurvy and the ontology of natural kinds (PS)
    The work in question (LRTS)
    A KO como espaço de articulação de comunidades discursivas (EB)
    The grounds and the components of concepts (Erkenntnis)
    Temporal concept drift and alignment: comparing KOSs over time (ArXiv)
    CCLitBox + Machine-generated Colon class numbers (JIK)
    Classification of classifications (CCQ)
    Automated subject identification using UDC: the ANN approach (JIK)
    Automatic indexing for agriculture: designing a framework (JIK)
    Which concept of concept for conceptual engineering? (Erkenntnis)
    FAST headings in MODS: MSUL digital repository case study (CCQ)
    Terminology and ontology development for semantic annotation (SWJ)
    Detecting interdisciplinary semantic drift for KO based on normal cloud model (JKSU-CIS)
    Compatibilização de SOCs com vistas a uma recuperação inteligente da informação (Scire)
    Diálogos entre cuestiones socioculturales y los KOS (Scire)
    Facet analysis: the evolution of an idea (CCQ)
    User-centered categorization of mood in fiction (JDoc)
    A review and methodological reflection on KO studies (ASSEHR)
    Towards a moderate realist foundation for ontological KOSs (JIS)
    Domain analytical information and KO (JDoc)
    Topics and changing characteristics of KO research in the 21st century (JDoc)
    Representação da informação musical: metáfora e sentido literal (RIACI)
    A ordenação de documentos como enunciação (EQ)
    Subject and genre representation of works of fiction for children (CCQ)
    Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan: uma biografia (Páginas a&b)
    A longitudinal study on KO publications (GKMC)
    Organizing subject access to cultural heritage in Swedish online museums (JDoc)
    What is conceptual engineering and what should it be? (Inquiry)
    CSO Classifier 3.0: a scalable unsupervised method for classifying documents (IJDL)
    What is all this new MeSH about? (IJDL)
    Directrices para la compatibilidad del SOC (Scire)
    Diálogos entre as questões socioculturais e os KOSs (Scire)
    Terminological studies as domain analysis (BraJIS)
    Classifying papers into subfields through pattern detection and optimization procedures (JASIST)
    Automated subject indexing using word embeddings and controlled vocabularies (IJMSO)
    Come mi vuoi, canonica o rivoluzionaria? (AIDAinfo)
    Remembering and forgetting by subject headings: a contribution to KO history (JHoK)
    KO in libraries, archives and museums [book chapter]
    Grammar and social action: two schools of thought in KO research (JDoc)
    A KO framework for influencing tourism-centered place-making (JDoc)
    Integrated classification schemas to interlink cultural heritage collections (IJMSO)
    Subject headings for the Colombian conflict (CCQ)
    Turning filter bubbles into bubblesphere with multi-viewpoint KOS (PASIST)
    KO e suas contribuições em um contexto big data (Transinformação)
    The mutability of fiction descriptors: the evolution of pulp (Indexer)
    KO como instrumento de mediação da informação (FR)
    Di soggettari, classificazioni e altri KOS (Bibelot)
    Algorithmic labeling in hierarchical classifications of publications (JASIST)
    The major life events taxonomy: social readjustment, information sharing... (JASIST)
    Linked data for the historic environment (Internet Archaeology)
    Modelling knowledge: archival and bibliographic standards in comparison: special issue (JLIS.it)
    Thematic reclassifications and emerging sciences (JGPS)
    Topics and changing characteristics of KO research in the 21st century (JDoc)
    Os processos e sistemas em KO: análise de verbetes da Enciclopédia da ISKO (Páginas)
    Annif and Finto AI: developing and implementing automated subject indexing (JLIS.it)
    Automatic classification of older electronic texts into the UDC (JDoc)
    Orthogonality, dependency, and music: relationships between music facets (JASIST)
    Topic diversity: a discipline scheme-free diversity measurement for journals (JASIST)
    From data to knowledge: vocabularies, linked data and knowledge graphs (JDoc)
    Voces cultivadas versus tipos de voces en la CDD (Scire)
    El uso de lenguajes de indización en las bibliotecas universitarias (Scire)
    Conceptual model visual simulation and the inductive learning of missing domain constraints (DKE)
    Foundational ontologies meet ontology matching: a survey (SWJ)
    Plant taxonomic species and their role in the workflow of integrative species delimitation (KB)
    KO e recuperação da informação: edição especial (PA)
    In search of domain specific standard categories: a case study from cell biology (JILA)
    Organização e representação do conhecimento e da informação na Web (PCI)
    A review and methodological reflection on KO studies (ASSEHR)
    Um olhar anterior: o conceito de classificação em suas bases históricas
    Dossiê Domain analysis (BraJIS)
    AI and automated processes for subject access: special issue (CCQ)
    Medical KO: documentation techniques applied to a macro-domain underpinned by socio-political issues
    Academic disciplines in the context of library classification (CCQ)
    Tesauro do CDI-SEBRAE/ES (Páginas a&b)
    Modeling the sources and topics of Pliny's Natural History (UD)
    KO: approche historique et critique des classifications des savoirs (HRC)
    Thesauri in the digital ecosystem (JLIS.it)
    Nauki o komunikacji społecznej i mediach = Communication and media studies: name, content and context (AUPC)
    Fundamentos da organização do conhecimento (PA)
    OrgBR-M: a method to assist in organizing bibliographic material based on FCA (IJDL)
    On chemical natural kinds (JGPS)
    Representación de tesauros en SKOS (Scire)
    KO affordances in a faceted OPAC (CCQ)
    KOSs: a network for AI with helping interdisciplinary vocabulary engineering (CCQ)
    IKOS Bulletin. 3.1
    ICD 11: an international classification of diseases for the 21st century (BMC MIDM)
    Towards knowledge organization ecosystem (CCQ)
    L'ordine dei libri: divagazioni su Come ordinare una biblioteca di R Calasso (AIBS)
    An automated approach to describing fiction: use book reviews to identify affect (CCQ)
    Encyclopedias and encyclopedism in the era of the Web (JLIS.it)
    History and philosophy of taxonomy as an information science (HPLS)
    Subject indexing in humanities::a university repository and a bibliographic service (JDoc)
    A new framework for ethical creation and evaluation of multi-perspective KOSs (JDoc)
    Identità personale nella CDD: genere, sesso e sessualità (Bibelot)
    Terminologia e KO: linguagens, vocabulários e sistemas (LA)
    Eleven Namibian rains (Anthropological theory)
    Robert Pagès: Documentary transformations and cultural context (PDA)
    The status of KO in LIS master's programs (CCQ)
    De indicibus librorum e a arte da indicialização em Conrad Gesner (Informação)
    Classifying economics for the common good: sustainable development goals and JEL codes (JDoc)
    Automatic classification of older electronic texts into the UDC (JDoc)
    Everyday documentation: special issue (LT)
    Fusion architectures for automatic subject indexing under concept drift (IJDL)
    Layout logical labelling and finding the semantic relationships between citing and cited paper content (IJMSO)
    Sequential linked data: the state of affairs (SWJ)
    Information retrieval and KO: a perspective from the philosophy of science (Information)
    Knowledge graphs (CACM)
    Large scale subject category classification of scholarly papers with neural networks (FRMA)
    Ontologie des marques de domaines appliquée aux dictionnaires de langue générale (LP)
    Resource description and organization in academic libraries in Ghana (CCQ)
    The Major Life Events Taxonomy: social readjustment, social media information sharing... (JASIST)
    A review of the Semantic Web field (CACM)
    L'algoritmo di John Locke e i commonplace books (JLIS.it)
    The model construction of KOS in terminography: taking Chinese terminology as an example (ICELAIC. 2020)
    IKOS Bulletin. 2. 3
    Aboutness and conceptual analysis: a review (CCQ)
    Mapping the topics and evolutions of Chinese children's bestsellers (Libri)
    A atualidade do pensamento de HE Bliss e a KO multidimensional (Scire)
    Toward a document-centered ontological theory for IA in corporations (JASIS&T)
    S[ubject] indexing of musical resources: the Application of the Nuovo Soggettario system (JLIS.it)
    The nature of browsing (JASIST)
    OntoAndalus: an ontology of Islamic artefacts for terminological purposes (SWJ)
    Innovative ideas by some post-WWII francophone classificationists (LCN)
    Exploring the renaissance of wayfinding and voyaging through the lens of KO (JDoc)
    The strangeness of subject cataloging (LT)
    Formal ontologies in information systems development: a systematic review (information)
    Disability and accessibility language in subject headings and social tags (C&I)
    Special issue: Semântica e morfologia em terminologia (LA)
    Thésaurus d'agroécologie: une approche par les usages et avis d'experts (CA)
    Taxonomy design and creation (C&I)
    Semantic Web Journal. 10-years special issue
    Operational experience in DB Termin (JISTP)
    Twenty years after: Scientific research in the field of KO in Romania, 1993-2012 (ZIN)
    Automated analysis of actor-topic networks on Twitter (JASIST)
    Practical method to reclassify Web of Science articles into unique subject categories and broad disciplines (QSS)
    Expressiveness and machine processability of KOSs: an analysis of concepts and relations (IJDL)
    A short note on the history of the concept of information (Information)
    Capisco: low-cost concept-based access to digital libraries (IJDL)
    A representação do conhecimento em espaços multidimensionais (ENANCIB)
    Re-imagining classification systems in remote libraries (JALIA)
    A sustainable and OA KO model to preserve cultural heritage and language diversity (Information)
    Taxa hold little information about organisms: some inferential problems in biological systematics (HPLS)
    Measuring the value of professional indexing (IR)
    Minding the gap: investigating the alignment of [KO] research and practice (IR)
    Recent applications of KOSs: special issue (IJDL)
    The galaxy of the non-Linnaean nomenclature (HPLS)
    Classifying the imaginary: an expansion of Library of Congress' subclass G9930 for local use (CCQ)
    Dictionary vs. encyclopedia: then and now (Dictionaries)
    Annif: DIY automated subject indexing using multiple algorithms (LQ)
    Text classification algorithms: a survey (Information)
    A new rapid incremental algorithm for constructing concept lattices (Information)
    Exploiting syntactic and neighbourhood attributes to address cold start in tag recommendation (IPM)
    Cross-querying LOD data sets using complex alignments (IJMSO)
    Classificació semàntica i visual de documents digitals (Item)
    Uma proposta de taxonomia para dados de pesquisa (e-LIS)
    Indicizzazione semantica in SBN = Subject indexing in the National Library Service (JLIS.it)
    Ontologies: borrow, build or buy (Forbes)
    Visual networks as a means of representing collocational information in electronic dictionaries (IJL)
    Eros in the library: considering the aesthetics of KO (ALJ)
    Don't embrace me: ideologies and conceptual hierarchies in thesauri (Academia.edu)
    Specific learning disorders in students: KO and management of learning through maps (AIDAinformazioni)
    Introducing the National Library of Poland Descriptors to the Polish National Bibliography (CCQ)
    Taxonomy and conservation science: interdependent and value-laden (HPLS)
    Topic maps and the essence of indexing (Indexer)
    Keeping the beat: how controlled vocabularies affect indexing (Indexer)
    Neolithic information seeking: designing information systems for our inner hunter-gatherer [+video]
    Knowledge graphs and semantics in text analysis and retrieval: special issue (IRJ)
    Classification and subject indexing issues at a Mexican library specializing in law research (CCQ)
    Convergenze semantiche tra musei, archivi e biblioteche: ontologie per le relazioni interpersonali (JLIS.it)
    Ensuring information consistency across digital services in universities (CCQ)
    Classification of knowledge organization systems with Wikidata
    IFLA LRM: può contenere tracce di semantica (Bibelot)
    Metadata mapping and vocabulary: the Metadata2020 initiative (C&I)
    MIRO: guidelines for minimum information for the reporting of an ontology (JBS)
    Four orders of classification theory and their implications (CCQ)
    A faceted search engine in LODs using voice recognition (SCI)
    From PACS to PhySH (Nature Reviews)
    An amicable divorce: programmatic derivation of faceted data from LCSH for music (CCQ)
    Effects of subject-oriented visualization tools on search by novices and intermediates (JASIST)
    Use of DDC by academic libraries in the United States (CCQ)
    Supporting LCSH subject indexing with LOD in a Nigerian university library (SWIB)
    Keeping the beat: how controlled vocabularies affect indexing (Indexer)
    Modeling the relationship between scientific and bibliographic classification for music (JASIST)
    Semantic integration across archaeological data and reports in different languages (JIS)
    Une classification séculaire pour indexer les archives orales numériques (CP)
    Thematic search languages in the electronic catalogs of Bulgarian libraries (RG)
    Browsing through bias: LCC and subject headings for African American Studies and LGBTQIA studies (LT)
    Integration of context information through probabilistic ontological knowledge into image classification (Information)
    An ontology of scientific and technical information as a network of bibliographic classifications (SCIP)
    The impact of classification systems in the evaluation of research of Leiden Ranking universities (JASIST)
    Aproximación bibliométrica a las contribuciones de Hope A. Olson en el campo de la KO (Scire)
    Confluencias filosóficas para la clasificación de las artes: aproximaciones de Bacon, Hegel y Harris (Scire)
    Ontologization of terminology: a worked example from the domain of ancient Greek dress (AIDA informazioni)
    Content-based quality estimation for automatic subject indexing ... (arXiv)
    Theor[e]tical approaches in developments of library classification systems (NASTInfo)
    [KO and cultural heritage in the perspective of semantic Web: special issue] (JLIS)
    KO and the semantic Web: a review of a conference and a special journal issue (DHQ)
    KOSs in the Semantic Web: a multi-dimensional review (IJDL)
    Nineteenth-Century depictions of disabilities and modern metadata (JCAS)
    The role of conceptual relations in the drafting of natural language definitions (Academia.edu)
    Vocabulary management at the [UK] Department of Education (eLucidate)
    Toward effective automated weighted subject indexing: different approaches (JASIST)
    DDC in DSpace: integration of multi-lingual subject access system in institutional digital repositories (IJKCDT)
    Classification, thésaurus, ontologies, folksonomies : comparaisons du p.d.v. recherche ouverte d'information (ASIC)
    Music literature indexing: comparing users' free-text queries and controlled vocabularies (CCQ)
    The heart of music classification: toward a model of classifying musical medium (JDoc)
    Using titles vs. full-text for automated semantic document annotation (arXiv)
    Reviewing, rebutting, and reimagining fiction classification (CCQ)
    KOSs in the semantic Web: a multi-dimensional review (arXiv)
    special issue on cataloguing non-text based, and unusual material (C&I)
    Toward effective automated weighted subject indexing (JASIST)
    Classificação e descrição arquivística como atividades de KO (BraJIS)
    Crowdsourcing the DDC: when users become contributors (WLIC)
    Structures of knowledge from Wikipedia networks (arXiv)
    Ontologies for the representation of electronic medical records: the OntoNeo ontology (JASIST)
    WebDewey search (AIB studi)
    The simplest approach to subject classification (WLIC)
    The relationship between classification research and IR research, 1952 to 1970 (JDoc)
    focused issue on Extending, mapping and focusing the CIDOC CRM (IJDL)
    The aboutness of words (JASIST)
    NLM's project to add MeSH RDF URIs to its bibliographic and authority records (CCQ)
    LCSH related to indigenous peoples in a Canadian archival context (CCQ)
    Planning, implementing, and assessing a CD reclassification project (CCQ)
    A classification server to support metadata organization for long term preservation (MVÖBB)
    Il criterio della distanza semantica nell'analisi concettuale dei documenti (Bibelot)
    Constructing faceted taxonomy for heterogeneous entities based on object properties in LD (DKE)
    Mapping science using Library of Congress Subject Headings (JI)
    Towards understanding the evolution of vocabulary terms in knowledge graphs (arXiv)
    Supporting book search: a comprehensive comparison of tags vs. controlled vocabulary metadata (DIM)
    Bibliographic classification in the digital age: current trends & future directions (ITL)
    User search terms and controlled subject vocabularies in an institutional repository (LHT)
    A librarian-centered study of perceptions of subject terms and controlled vocabulary (CCQ)
    Mapping of the universe of knowledge in different classification schemes (IJKCDT)
    Epistemic warrant for categorizational activities and the development of controlled vocabularies (JDoc)
    Control and syntagmatization: IR thesauri and natural language lexicons (JASIST)
    Evaluating the impact of MeSH terms on different types of searchers (IPM)
    Relations in KOS: is it possible to couple a common nature with different roles? (JDoc)
    Classification along the color line: excavating racism in the stacks (JCLIS)
    Library classifications and the marking and marginalization of books about people with disabilities (LQ)
    Classifying economics: a history of the JEL codes (JEL)
    What about classification bias?: channeling Sandy Berman
    From music cataloging to KO: an interview with Richard P. Smiraglia (CCQ)
    New tricks? a pilot project using UDC at the UK Data Archive (C&I)
    Classificazione in archivio e in biblioteca: special issue (JLIS.it)
    La classification à facettes revisitée : numéro spécial (LCN)
    University metadata and retrieval: the death of the library catalog? (BASIST)
    Improving collection browsing: small world networking and Gray code ordering (CCQ)
    An ontology design pattern for modeling material transformation (SWJ)
    Mapping metadata to DDC classification structures for searching and browsing (IJDL)
    KO content in graduate coursework (LR)
    Multiviewpoint ontology construction by collaboration of non-experts and crowdsourcing (JASIST)
    Decentralized subject indexing of television programs (JASIST)
    Hybrid semantic similarity measure to set the conceptual relatedness in a hierarchy (IJMSO)
    Providing cognitively just subject access to indigenous knowledge through KOSs (CCQ)
    Modelo de KOSs basado en ontologías (RCICS)
    O diálogo entre KO e IS na comunidade científica da ISKO-Brasil (ENANCIB)
    Classification along the color line: excavating racism in the stacks (JCLIS)
    Diderot et Otlet: deux contributions majeures à la KO (AIDAinfo)
    Engaging an author in a critical reading of subject headings (JCLIS)
    Measuring the usefulness of KOSs in IR applications (Knowescape)
    special issue on Knowledge maps and information retrieval (IJDL)
    Knowledge classification on ethnic groups in Thailand (CCQ)
    Informetrics analyses of KOSs, p. 261-
    The rhizome and the tree: changing metaphors for information organisation (JDoc)
    Warrant as a means to study classification system design (JDoc)
    Using course-subject co-occurrence (CSCO) to reveal the structure of an academic discipline (JASIST)
    Evaluating topic representations for exploring document collections (JASIST)
    Challenges for ontological engineering in the humanities: a case study of philosophy (IJMSO)
    The science of conceptual systems: a progress report (FS)
    Increasing patient findability of medical research using standard vocabularies (ASIST Bulletin)
    review of Domain analysis for KO (Bibliothecae.it)
    The taxonomy of knowledge (Manila Times)
    Aemoo: linked data exploration based on knowledge patterns (SMJ)
    Foundations of digital universities (CCQ)
    Poly-coordination (CAIS 2016)
    Enabling multilingual search through controlled vocabularies: the AGRIS approach (E-LIS)
    Sources of change for modern knowledge organization systems (LJ)
    Map of science with topic modeling: unsupervised learning vs human-assigned subject (JASIST)
    Identification of interdisciplinary ideas (IPM)
    Semantics for biodiversity: special issue (SWJ)
    Yucatec Maya soil classification and comparison with the WRB framework (JEE)
    Formation of conceptual apparatus in the language of specialty (SSIB)
    Key choices in the design of SKOS (JWS)
    Un modello ontologico per il patrimonio culturale: CIDOC-CRM (JLIS.it)
    Genre groups in knowledge organization (CCQ)
    Points of view: a conceptual space approach (FS)
    Thesaurus structure, descriptive parameters, and scale (JASIST)
    Integrated quality assessment of linked thesauri for the environment (LNCS)
    Conceptual provenance in indexing languages (Building trust in information)
    Understanding the use of standardized nursing terminology and classification systems (JMI)
    Mapping complexity: human knowledge as a complex adaptive system (Complexity)
    FCA based ontology development for data integration (IPM)
    Sistemas curriculares para la gestión de información y conocimiento institucional (RGID)
    Cited references and MeSH as two different knowledge representations (arXiv)
    KO en las ciencias de la comunicación: aplicación para la codificación UNESCO (RGID)
    FueL: Representing function structure and dependencies with UML (AO)
    Reengineering thesauri into semantically adequate ontologies (SWJ)
    Controlled vocabularies for computer game platforms and media formats in SKOS (JLM)
    A quantitative analysis of the temporal effects on automatic text classification (JASIST)
    Automated SKOS vocabulary design for the biopharmaceutical industry (CCQ)
    Linked data vocabulary management (ISQ)
    Industry classification schemes: an analysis and review (JBFL)
    Guided classification system for conceptual overlapping classes in OpenStreetMap (IJGI)
    Transforming Wikipedia into an ontology-based IR search engine using a third-party taxonomy
    Describing knowledge organization systems in BARTOC and JSKOS (TKE2016)
    Natural speech reveals the semantic maps that tile human cerebral cortex (Nature)
    Intranets: do you really need an information architecture? (eLucidate)
    Knowledge-based information extraction for semantic interoperability in archaeology (JASIST)
    A journal classification of science based on journal-journal citation relations (arXiv)
    KnowledgeWiki: an opensource tool for creating community-curated vocabulary
    I processi cognitivi nell'analisi concettuale dei documenti (AIB studi)
    Trent'anni di Dewey in Italia: il ruolo della BNCF (AIB studi)
    Probabilistic linking of thesauri and classification systems (arXiv)
    Features, functions and components of a library classification system (JISTaP)
    Accuracy of the journal classification systems of Web of Science and Scopus (JI)
    Knowledge graphs versus hierarchies: user behaviours and information seeking (CHIIR'16)
    Knowledge mapping and visualization as a common ground (QQML)
    Alignment of conceptual structures in controlled voc's in Chinese art (IJDL)
    Metadata modelling disciplines for e-learning by doing systems (IJMSO)
    An ontology-based model for indexing and retrieval (JASIST)
    A sharing-oriented design strategy for networked KOSs (IJDL)
    Semantic network formalism for knowledge representation (IJSWIS)
    Flat, hierarchical, or stratified? Determination and dependence in social-natural ontology
    Geospatial ontology of agricultural regions: an exercise in KE
    Theory construction in human information behavior: a theory of browsing
    Navigate your intelligence world by using taxonomies (Competitive intelligence)
    Process patterns and conceptual changes in KR during information seeking (JIS)
    Evaluating automatic indexing or classification in the context of retrieval (JASIST)
    Encyclopaedias in a life-historical perspective (NTIK)
    Domain discovery and expansion in multimedia metadata for digital TV broadcast (IJMSO)
    Third-party classification: dishes, figurines and bedspreads in a local museum (JDoc)
    Women's ways of structuring data (Ada)
    Storing the wisdom: chemical concepts and chemoinformatics (Informatics)
    Ontology design patterns (SWJ)
    Accuracy of the journal classification systems of Web of Science and Scopus (arXiv)
    KOSs and their typology (RL)
    La soggettazione della narrativa per bambini e ragazzi (JLIS.it)
    special issue on classification (Catalogue and Index)
    Indigenous KO: special issue (CCQ)
    Indigenization of KO at the Xwi7xwa Library (UBC cIRcle)
    The VIRGO classification system for young women with infarction (Circulation)
    A universal framework for music information classification and retrieval (JDoc)
    On the composition of ISO 25964 hierarchical relations (IJDL)
    Biblioteconomia e KO: quattro ipotesi fondazionali (E-LIS)
    Testing taxonomies (ASIST Bulletin)
    Structures of logic: sub-systemic bricks for conceptual systems (FS)
    Topical tags vs non-topical tags (JIS)
    Modeling and analyzing the topicality of art images (JASIST)
    Classical databases and KO: boolean retrieval and human decision-making (JASIST)
    Jean-Claude Gardin: dalla meccanografia all'informatica archeologica (AC)
    Are relations in thesauri "context-free, definitional ..."? (JASIST)
    Thesaurus and ontology structure: differences and similarities (JASIST)
    Topical tags vs non-topical tags (JIS)
    Still a lot to lose: controlled vocabulary in keyword searching (CCQ)
    Exploring philosophies of information: special issue (Library Trends)
    The GeoLink modular oceanography ontology
    Local cultures in the DDC: the Sardinian language in recent editions (JLIS.it)
    Per una storia delle classificazioni bibliografiche. 1: Le origini (Bibliotime)
    Linked data and the charm of weak semantics: special section (BASIST)
    Predicting understandability of conceptual schemas using quality metric (IJBDI)
    Axiomatic theories of the ontology of time in GFO (AO)
    A descriptive study about Wordnet (MCR) and linguistics synsets (DT)
    Walking through a library remotely (arXiv)
    Research method and visual display: a study of conference proceedings in the field of KO (IR)
    TopicRank: ordonnancement de sujets pour l'extraction automatique de termes-clés (TAL)
    An atlas of classification: signage between open shelves, the Web and the catalogue (JLIS.it)
    Classification: The understudied concept (IJIM)
    Abstraction and insight: building better conceptual systems (FS)
    Enhancing social tagging with automated keywords from DDC (JDoc)
    Terminology registries for KOSs: functionality, use, and attributes (JASIST)
    Automatic updates of Roget's Thesaurus (JLM)
    On generically dependent entities (AO)
    An ontology of controversial terms at the core of the systems life cycle (IJMSO)
    Are relations in thesauri "context-free, definitional, and true in all possible worlds"? (JASIST)
    Automatic query expansion: a structural linguistic perspective (JASIST)
    Logic, philosophy and computer science: special issue (SLGR)
    Changing orders of knowledge? Encyclopaedias in transition (Culture unbound)
    HIVEing: the effect of a semantic Web technology on inter-indexer consistency (JDoc)
    Classical databases and KO (JASIST)
    Information and ontologies: challenges in scaling knowledge for development (JASIST)
    Bibliography as anthropometry: dreaming scientific order at the fin de siècle (LT)
    Towards a representation for multi-viewpoints ontology alignments (IJMSO)
    Effectiveness of an organizational taxonomy built on DDC and domain thesauri (JASIST)
    Five stars of linked data vocabulary use (SWJ)
    Ontological realism and classification: Structures and concepts in the Gene Ontology (JASIST)
    Creation of a highly detailed, dynamic, global model and map of science (JASIST)
    JO Kaiser: the early years (Library Trends)
    The phylogeny of Little Red Riding Hood (PLoS ONE)
    The framing of scientific domains: UNISIST, domain analysis and art history (JDoc)
    Dynamic topic-related tweet retrieval (JASIST)
    From shelves to cyberspace: KO and history of science (Isis)
    KO from libraries to the Web: Jubilee issue (SRELS J Info Man)
    EARTh: an Environmental Application Reference Thesaurus in the LOD cloud (SWJ)
    The classification of financial products (JASIST)
    Debate terminológico. 2013
    Subject matter categorization of tags to digital images from art museums (JASIST)
    A new similarity measure for subject hierarchical structures (JDoc)
    Unified Theory of Information, hypertextuality and levels of reality (JDoc)
    User queries of an e-commerce bookstore: LCC and key publishers (IR)
    Making sense of digital traces: an activity theory driven ontological approach (JASIST)
    Reducing subject tree browsing complexity (JASIST)
    Relevance propagation in large topic ontologies (JASIST)
    Ontological realism, concepts and classification in molecular biology (JDoc)
    Assessing the subjectivity and objectivity of information taxonomy projects (JDoc)
    Integrating MeSH thesaurus help into health IR systems (IPM)
    A framework for evaluating and ranking ontologies (IJMSO)
    Characterizing functions based on phase- and evolution-oriented models (AO)
    The KO of DBpedia: a case study (JDoc)
    Modeling the aesthetic axis of information organization frameworks (JDoc)
    Digital archiving as information production: using experts and learners in the design of subject access (JDoc)
    A framework for specific term recommendation systems (ACM SIGIR)
    Tags and categories (The accidental taxonomist)
    Revisiting ontology: a necessary clarification (JASIST)
    Using thesaurus structure for automatic subject indexing (JASIST)
    Information organization and the philosophy of history (JASIST)
    Merging ontology by semantic enrichment and combining similarity measures (IJMSO)
    Reflections on classification: Thomas Reid and bibliographic description (JDoc)
    Use of Nuovo Soggettario for subject indexing of web resources (JLIS.it)
    Classifications and concepts: towards an elementary theory of knowledge interaction (JDoc)
    Finding subject terms from user-generated social tags (JASIST)
    Vocabulary reconciliation for cultural heritage collections (JASIST)
    Ontologies and terminologies: continuum or dichotomy? (AO)
    Multifaceted conceptual image indexing on the WWW (IPM)
    Nodes and arcs: concept map, semiotics, and KO (JDoc)
    How information systems communicate as documents (JDoc)
    Toward video semantic search based on a structured folksonomy (JASIST)
    KO innovation: design and framework (ASIST Bulletin)
    Mapping the knowledge covered by library classification systems (JASIST)
    IFLA Classification and Indexing Section newsletter. 43
    Provenance-based classification schemes (CCQ)
    The modernity of classification (JDoc)
    Hjørland's various papers on KO (DLIST)
    Concept theory and semiotics in KO (JDoc)
    Professionally assigned metadata and user-generated tags in alternative medicine (IR)
    Web semántico en bibliotecas (Blok de BiD)
    Fringe types and KOS systematics (DLIST)
    Palabras clave para la clasificación automática de noticias de televisión (AD)
    Inter-indexer consistency in graphic materials indexing (JDoc)
    to_be_classified ; Classification, facets, and metaproperties (JofIA)
    Classification systems in the light of sociology of knowledge (JDoc)
    Transgender subject access: history and current practice (CCQ)
    Thema and FRBR's Third Group (CCQ)
    Concepts and semantic relations in information science (JASIST)
    Le ontologie [special issue] (AIDA informazioni)
    Ontological realism: methodology or misdirection? (Applied ontology)
    Jack Mills, 1918-2010: an academic appreciation
    KO na ciência da informação: revisão da literatura (ANCIB)
    Sources et genèse de la théorie d'Eleanor Rosch (CORELA)
    Using thesauri in enterprise settings: indexing or query expansion?
    Il modello semantico di EuroWordNet [e] la relazione associativa nei thesauri (Bollettino AIB)
    Class T "Economics" in BC2 (JLIS.it)
    Classification and indexing section newsletter. 42 (IFLA)
    An ontology-based technique for preserving user preferences in document-category evolutions (JASIST)
    Complex concepts into basic concepts (JASIST)
    A sentiment-based digital library of movie reviews (CJILC)
    Duplication of concepts in UDC (DLIST)
    Classification and Indexing Section newsletter. 45 (IFLA)
    Social tagging is no substitute for controlled indexing (JASIST)
    TheSoz: a SKOS representation of the Thesaurus for the Social Sciences (SWJ)
    Organización del conocimiento (EPI)
    Entity disambiguation using semantic networks (JASIST)
    Continuous classification (Archival science)
    Nodes and arcs: concept map, semiotics, and KO (JDoc)
    ACRO: Advances in classification research online (ASIST)
    Metrics and automatic enhancement for hierarchical taxonomies (IPM)
    Constructing a true LCSH tree of a science and engineering collection (JASIST)
    Task-based navigation of a taxonomy interface to a digital repository (IR)
    Assessing information taxonomies using epistemology and the sociology of science (JDoc)
    The strange case of eugenics: a subject's ontogeny in DDC (JASIST)
    Analyzing rare diseases terms in biomedical terminologies (JLIS.it)
    KO con la sequenza di filiazione della Classificazione Colon (JLIS.it)
    Evaluation of controlled vocabularies by inter-indexer consistency (IR)
    Indexing concepts and/or named entities (JLIS.it)
    Extensions and corrections to the UDC. 32
    Classification and indexing section newsletter. 44 (IFLA)
    Using classification to convict the Khmer Rouge (JDoc)
    Obsolescence in subject description (JDoc)
    Co-occurrences in the Aarne-Thompson-Uther tale type catalog (AD)
    Conceptual syntagmatic associations in user tagging (JASIST)
    Is classification necessary after Google? (JDoc)
    L'accesso tematico nelle biblioteche per ragazzi (AIB studi)
    Epistemic foundation of bibliographic classification in early China (JDoc)
    Classification in a social world: bias and trust (JDoc)
    Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan: uma biografia (Páginas a&b)


    The Cambridge handbook of the dictionary
    Reading in advanced classification
    Ontological categories
    Introduction to documentation studies
    Power of position: classification and the biodiversity sciences
    Broad System of Ordering (BSO)
    Keywords in and out of context
    Wer sucht, kann gefunden werden: Problemgeschichten der KO
    Theoretical perspectives on terminology
    From cataloguing to metadata creation
    Information and KO in digital humanities
    A handbook of the Dewey Decimal Classification system
    Teorias e domínios emergentes em KO
    Taxonomies: practical approaches to developing and managing vocabularies for digital information
    Narrative expansions: interpreting decolonisation in academic libraries
    Thematic relations: a study in the grammar-cognition interface
    Ikonizität der Information: Erkenntnisfunktion struktureller und gestalteter Bildlichkeit in der digitalen KO
    Termos sob a superfície: elementos teóricos, metodológicos e terminológicos para a KR
    Linking knowledge: linked open data for KO and visualization
    Qualität in der Inhaltserschließung
    AgroVoc: semantic data interoperability on food and agriculture
    Ensaios em organização do conhecimento
    Information studies and other provocations
    Modélisation ontologique & psychologies: une influence réciproque
    Applications and practices in ontology design, extraction, and reasoning
    Cutter-Sanborn: Three-Figure Author Table
    [The state of subject retrieval and looking for future direction: views by classificationists of Dorking 1957] by K Kawamura
    The role of constituents in multiword expressions
    The Routledge handbook of lexicography
    Users's guide to Sears List of Subject Headings, 2nd ed.
    Sense-making: organizzare il mare dell'informazione e creare valore con le persone
    Viaggi a bordo di una parola: scritti sull'indicizzazione semantica in onore di Alberto Cheti
    Scientific pluralism reconsidered: a new approach to the (dis)unity of science
    The logic of information: a theory of philosophy as conceptual design
    Mereologies, ontologies, and facets: the categorial structure of reality
    Natural kinds and genesis: the classification of material entities
    Social tagging in a linked data environment
    Klassifikationen in Bibliotheken
    Step by Step Classification: a formula based classification
    Advances in ontology design and patterns
    The organization of knowledge: caught between global structures and local meaning
    Classifying musical performance: the application of classification theories to concert programmes
    Book number: uno strumento per l'organizzazione delle collezioni
    Discovery and classification in astronomy [review]
    Information architecture, 2nd ed.
    The notion of relevance in information science
    Ontology engineering with ontology design patterns
    Information and the information professions: selected works of Marcia J. Bates
    As contribuições de Ranganathan para a biblioteconomia
    Interdisciplinary knowledge organization
    Metadata, 2nd ed.
    Buchbesprechung Wissensorganisation (ArBiDo)
    Practical ontologies for information professionals
    Knowledge organization: from libraries to the Web
    I fondamenti della biblioteconomia: attualità del pensiero di SR Ranganathan
    Semantic similarity from natural language and ontology analysis
    Information and intrigue: from index cards to Dewey decimals to Alger Hiss
    Essential classification
    Wissensorganisation: Entwicklung, Aufgabe, Anwendung, Zukunft
    Subject access to information: an interdisciplinary approach
    Indexing it all: the subject in the age of documentation, information, and data
    The elements of knowledge organization
    Logic and the organization of information
    Cultural heritage information access and management
    Reframing information architecture
    Ontology-based interpretation of natural language
    Powering search: The role of thesauri in new information environments
    The book of trees: Visualizing branches of knowledge
    Beyond libraries: Subject metadata in the digital environment and semantic Web
    Handbook of metadata, semantics and ontologies
    Ressources lexicales : contenu, construction, utilisation, évaluation
    The discipline of organizing
    New directions in information organization
    Bibliographic information organization in the semantic Web
    Cultural frames of knowledge
    Semantic role labeling
    Introduction to controlled vocabularies [free online]
    Le schéma de classification hiérarchique des documents administratifs
    Knowledge representation in the social semantic Web
    Facilitating access to the Web of data
    BSO: an international bibliography
    Subject access: preparing for the future
    Concepts in context: Proceedings of the Cologne conference
    Introduction to information science
    Abstracts and abstracting
    Le classificazioni nelle scienze

© ISKO; last update 2022.07.11