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Scientific and Technical Advisory Council (STAC)
Observing knowledge organization scholarship and applications
About STAC
In line with ISKO's mission, the Council is concerned with the scholarship, theory, principles, and applications of the pervasive subject of Knowledge Organization
- as dealt with in Information Studies, Philosophy, History, the Ontology community, Psychology and Cognitive Science, Linguistics, Computer Science (Data Modeling, AI, ML), Taxonomies (Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, Literary Genres, Museum Objects, etc.) and all kinds of data schemas and formats used in databases and the Web
- applied in, among others,
- libraries, bibliographic information systems, publishing, the Web, archives, museums,
- preserving and providing access to cultural heritage across domains and institutional contexts;
- (digital) humanities, natural language understanding, education, instructional design;
- process modelling (including business processes, production processes, etc.);
- information systems, icluding health, finance, legal, government, etc.
Learn more about Council's role in [DOCX]
Chair: (University at Buffalo, USA)
Vice-Chair: (University College London, UK)
Council Members
- (Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland)
- (University of Pavia, Italy)
- (Linnaeus University, Sweden)
- (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary)
- (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) [ex officio as encyclopedia editor-in-chief]
- Junzhi Jia (Renmin University of China)
- (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil)
- (University of León, Spain)
- (University of California at Los Angeles, USA)
- (Université Charles de Gaulle, France)
- (National Autonomous University of Mexico)
- (Syracuse University, USA)
- (Aberysthwith University, UK)
- (UDC Consortium, Netherlands)
- (Allameh Tabataba'i University, Iran)
- (Fluminense Federal University, Brazil) [ex officio as journal editor-in-chief]
- (University of South Wales, UK)
- (Wuhan University, China)
- (Kent State University, USA)
- (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Working Groups
STAC is in the process of forming working groups which are going to be
open to experts inside and outside ISKO. In 2022 the STAC will
announce Working Group programme and invite participation.
The following is a list of possible topics for Working Groups that resulted from brainstorming among STAC members.
Topics can be added. Interest expressed by STAC members and others will determine which working groups will be formed.
- Guidelines for the effective use of subject metadata in discovery systems (already active)
- Annual Review of Knowledge Organization
- Education in KO across disciplines (information science, education linguistics, computer science, medical informatics, ...) (has already drawn much interest)
- KO for learning
- KO support for the movement for social justice
- KO support for sustainability
- KO support for crisis management
- KO support for dealing with misinformation on social media
- KO support for information and education on healthy behavior
- KO support for team science, especially interdisciplinary teams
- Semantic technologies in publishing, sharing and accessing KOSs
- Terminology shifts in KOSs and management of semantic shift over-time
- KOS representation standards and KOS ontologies
- KO and subject access in information retrieval
- Information behavior in relation to KO
- KOS visualization/GUI
© ISKO 2021 : last updated 2025.03.10