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Authors and editorsIndex: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Hanne AlbrechtsenHanne Albrechtsen (1949-2024) was educated as a librarian; she was then a student of the Master of LIS at the Royal School of LIS in Copenhagen, for which she wrote a thesis on Domain analysis for classification of software. She was a supporter of domain analysis and co-author of the seminal 1997 article "Toward a new horizon in information science: Domain-analysis" with Birger Hjørland. In the years 1996-1998 she functioned as president for ISKO, then focused on getting a PhD at the Department of Computer Science of Aalborg University in 2003 and collaborated with Annelise Mark Pejtersen at Risø National Laboratory Cognitive Systems Engineering Center, before this was soon closed down. She then established a private company, the Institute of Knowledge Sharing (IKS), in Copenhagen and in 2011 also worked as an external lecturer at the University of Copenhagen. After a few years, she retired and moved to Faaborg, Funen. Her many interests also included singing, evolutionary astrology, genealogy and the research fields of knowledge management, domain analysis, entrepreneurship, cognitive work analysis and HCI. A more extended obituary is available on this website. Paula Carina de AraújoPaula Carina de Araújo works as reference librarian at the Universidade Federal do Paraná (2008-) and as a professor at the Information Management Graduate Program at the Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (2019-), in Brazil. She holds a bachelor's degree in Library Science from Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, a Marter's degree in Information Science, Technology and Management from Universidade Federal do Paraná; and a PhD in Information Science from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP). She was a visiting student on a Fulbright Scholarship at the Information School at University of Washington developing research on epistemology of knowledge organization from 2016 to 2017. Mario BaritéMario Barité is Full Professor at the Faculty of Information and Communication, University of the Republic, Uruguay. He holds a Doctorate and has a Master's degree in Scientific Information from the University of Granada, Spain. His main research interests include knowledge organization, terminology and e-governance. He is a level I researcher of the Uruguayan National System of Researchers. Among another contributions, he has published a Dictionary of Knowledge Organization, the sixth edition of which is available as a PDF file. He is editor-in-chief of Informatio Journal. Michael K. BergmanMichael K. Bergman is a senior principal for Cognonto Corporation in the USA, lead editor for the KBpedia knowledge graph, and an author in the areas of semantic technologies and knowledge-based artificial intelligence. His professional career has been as a Web scientist, information technology consultant, and serial entrepreneur, having founded and served as CEO over a period of decades Structured Dynamics, BrightPlanet, and VisualMetrics Corporation. He is a magna cum laude graduate of Pomona College, where he studied plant systematics under Lyman Benson, and was a doctoral candidate at Duke University in population genetics. Maria Teresa BiagettiMaria Teresa Biagetti is professor at the Sapienza University of Rome since 1998, and she teaches library and information science. formerly she was researcher at the school of archival and library studies at the sapienza university of rome. her main research interests include theoretical foundations of knowledge organization, theory of indexing, history of cataloguing and library history, developments of digital libraries, semantic web, ontologies and their application to the cultural heritage. she is the author of several books (in italian) and of several article and chapters (in italian and in english) on those and related topics. she is a member of the italian isko chapter since 1999 and a member of the isko scientific advisory council since 2010. she is a member of the editorial boards of nuovi annali della scuola speciale per archivisti e bibliotecari (sapienza university of roma), bibliothecae.it (university of bologna), jlis.it (university of firenze), aib studi (associazione italiana biblioteche), open information science (de gruyter). her website: https://sites.google.com/a/uniroma1.it/mariateresabiagetti/. Carlo BianchiniCarlo Bianchini is associate professor in LIS at the Department of Musicology and Cultural Heritage of the University of Pavia. He is serving on the editorial boards of JLIS.it and AIB Studi, and is member of the Cataloguing, Indexing, LOD and Semantic Web Study Group of the Italian Library Association (AIB CILW). His main research interests deal with KO and faceted classifications, cataloguing, linked open data and Wikidata, and information literacy and user studies.
Paul BourcierPaul Bourcier is curator at the Museum of Science & History (MOSH) in Jacksonville, Florida. He earned a Bachelor's degree in Geography from Clark University and a Master's in American History with Museum Studies certification from the University of Delaware. Prior to joining MOSH, he worked in curatorial positions at New York's Adirondack Museum, the Rhode Island Historical Society, and the Wisconsin Historical Society. He is chair of the Nomenclature Task Force of the American Association for State and Local History (AASLH) and is co-editor of the third and fourth editions of Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging.
Vanda BroughtonVanda Broughton, MA DipLib, was the Senior Lecturer in the Department of Information Studies at University College London (UCL), and Programme Director for the MA in Library and Information Studies Programme. She has taught, written and led training courses on classification for many years. She is editor of the Bliss Bibliographic Classification 2nd edition and associate editor of the Universal Decimal Classification.
Shuqing BuBu Shuqing is deputy editor of the Chinese Library Classification and member of CLC Consortium. She is also a research librarian at National Library of China. Her research interests are classification, thesauri, and cataloging. Michael BucklandMichael K. Buckland is Emeritus Professor in the School of Information, University of California, Berkeley, USA. After studying history at Oxford and librarianship at Sheffield he worked in libraries in England and then in the USA. He joined the faculty at Berkeley in 1976. His early published work was mainly on quantitative planning for library services. Later work has focused on improved support for search and discovery and on the history of documentation. His most recent books are Information and society (2017) and a biography Emanuel Goldberg and his knowledge machine (2006). Wikipedia has an entry about him Renata Cristina Gutierres CastanhaRenata Cristina Gutierres Castanha works as data scientist for AB Inbev (Brazil, 2018-). She holds a bachelor's degree in Mathematics from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP), master's degree and Ph.D. in Information Science from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP). She served as a visiting scholar at the School of Information Studies at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, developing research on knowledge organization and multivariate statistical methods. Her research interests are scientometrics, domain analysis, academic genealogy, and machine learning foundations.
Amitabha ChatterjeeAmitabha Chatterjee retired as professor & head, Department of Library & Information Science (LIS), Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. He also served as a visiting professor/fellow in 9 universities, guest faculty in 7 universities and visiting scientist thrice in Documentation Research & Training Centre, ISI, Bangalore, India. His areas of specialization are knowledge organization and information consolidation. He served as a member of the last Curriculum Development Committee in LIS, set up by the University Grants Commission, India, the report of which was published in 2001. He also served as a member of the Research Council of the erstwhile Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre (now National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources), New Delhi; and a member of the Technical Advisory Committee of Computer and Communication Division of Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata, India. Prof. Chatterjee has authored 8 books, including Dictionary of Indian Pseudonyms, Elements of Documentation, Elements of Information Analysis, Consolidation and Repackaging and Elements of Information Organization and Dissemination. He also has to his credit over 200 papers and over 100 book reviews. He served as editor of Indian Library Science Abstracts and Librarian. At present he is editor of IASLIC Newsletter. Prof. Chatterjee has been honoured with Best LIS Teacher Award 2001, by Indian Association of Teachers in Library & Information Science (IATLIS) and Best LIS Teacher Award 2011, by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres (IASLIC). He has also been honoured with Lifetime Achievement Award 2013 by IATLIS and Lifetime Achievement Award 2018 by Indian Library Association (ILA). Rachel CooperRachel Cooper is a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Lancaster. She is the author of Classifying Madness (Springer, 2005), Psychiatry and Philosophy of Science (Routledge, 2007) and Diagnosing the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Karnac, 2014). Godefroid de CallataÿGodefroid de Callataÿ is professor of Arabic and Islamic studies at the Oriental Institute of the University of Louvain. He has specialized in the history of Arabic sciences and philosophy, and the role played by Islam in the transmission of knowledge from Greek Antiquity to the Latin West during the Middle Ages. Amongst other subjects, he has published extensively on the encyclopedic corpus known as Rasa'il Ikhwan al-Safa' (Epistles of the Brethren of Purity) and the classification of the sciences in Islam. From 2012 to 2017, he directed "Speculum Arabicum", a project on comparative medieval encyclopedism at the University of Louvain. Between 2017 and 2024, he directed "PhilAnd" (https://sites.uclouvain.be/erc-philand/), an ERC Advanced project concerned with the emergence of philosophy and rational thinking in al-Andalus, also at UCLouvain. Don DedrickDon Dedrick is associate professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Guelph, Ontario. He is also appointed to the Psychology Department at Guelph, and his research interests are in colour ontology, colour classification, informal logic, and cognitive science. He has a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Toronto. Stella G. Dextre ClarkeStella Dextre Clarke has been a vice-president of ISKO and an active member in ISKO UK, with a background in Management Consultancy. She specializes in the design and implementation of knowledge structures for information retrieval applications, including thesauri, taxonomies and classification schemes. Stella is a member of the BSI committee responsible for standards on indexes, filing and thesauri, and Convenor of the Working Groups that developed BS 8723 (the British Standard for thesauri) and then ISO 25964, the corresponding International Standard. Stella is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals. Her work on the vocabulary standards was recognized in 2006 when she won the Tony Kent Strix Award for outstanding achievement in information retrieval. Steven J. DickSteven J. Dick served as the NASA chief historian and director of the NASA History Office from 2003 to 2009. He was the 2014 Baruch S. Blumberg NASA/Library of Congress Chair in Astrobiology at the Library of Congress's John W. Kluge Center. In 2013 he testified before the United States Congress on the subject of astrobiology. He is the author or editor of 23 books, including Discovery and Classification in Astronomy: Controversy and Consensus (Cambridge, 2013), The Impact of Discovering Life Beyond Earth (Cambridge, 2015), Astrobiology, Discovery, and Societal Impact (Cambridge, 2018), and Classifying the Cosmos: How We Can Make Sense of the Celestial Landscape (Springer, 2019). In 2009, minor planet 6544 Stevendick was named in his honor. Brian DobreskiBrian Dobreski is an assistant professor in the School of Information Sciences at University of Tennessee-Knoxville, where he teaches classes on knowledge organization, metadata, and information retrieval. He holds a PhD in Information Science and Technology from Syracuse University. His research focuses on the social implications of knowledge organization practices, as well as the concepts of personhood and personal identity in information. Thomas M. DousaThomas M. Dousa works as the metadata analyst librarian at the University of Chicago Library. He holds a bachelor's degree in Classical languages and literature and a master's degree in Middle Eastern studies (specialization: Egyptology) from the University of Chicago, a master of Library Science degree from Indiana University, Bloomington; and a doctorate in Library and information science from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. His research interests include the history and theory of knowledge organization. Heather DunnHeather Dunn is a Heritage Information Analyst at the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN). After working in a wide range of museums and galleries across Canada and the UK, she completed a Master's degree in Museum Studies from University of Toronto. She joined CHIN in 1995 with a focus on standards for the management and documentation of museum collections. She has been a member of the Nomenclature Task Force since 2010, and was co-editor of Nomenclature 4.0. Wei FanWei Fan is an associate professor in the Department of Information Management and Technology, School of Public Administration at Sichuan University. He holds a PhD in library and information science from Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests are knowledge organization systems and information architecture. Wei is member of the International Society for Knowledge Organization and the UDC Advisory Board. His English homepage is at http://fanw.info/index_en.html Dominic FaraceDominic Farace is head of GreyNet International and director of TextRelease, an independent information bureau specializing in grey literature and networked information. He holds degrees in sociology from Creighton University (BA) and the University of New Orleans (MA). His doctoral dissertation in social sciences is from the University of Utrecht. After six years heading the Department of Documentary Information at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Farace founded GreyNet, Grey Literature Network Service in 1992. He has since been responsible for the International Conference Series on Grey Literature (1993-2020). In this capacity, he also serves as program and conference director, managing editor of the Conference Proceedings, and editor of The Grey Journal. He likewise provides workshops and training seminars.
Niels Ole FinnemannNiels Ole Finnemann is professor in Internet Studies, Digital Media and Digital Humanities at the Department of Information Studies, University of Copenhagen since 2014. Formerly he was Director of Center for Internet studies (2000-2010), professor in Internet Studies (2005-2014) and Head of NetLab (2010-2013) at Aarhus University. He holds a MD in Scandinavian Language and Literature and a Doctoral Degree, Dr. Phil. (Habilitationsschrift) on computer semiotics Thought, Sign and Machine: The Computer Reconsidered (1994/1999). He has participated in the steering committes in a number of national research projects e.g. on the 'Networked Society' (2001-2005), the Danish DigHumLab project (2011-2016). As head of Center for Internet Studies he participated in the establishing of the national Danish Web Archive, netarchive.dk in collaboration with The Royal Library, Copenhagen. Since mid 1980s his research has centered on the moving target, now labelled Digital Media. His publications include articles on the Internet and the relations between legacy media and digital media, media theory, media history, theories of mediatization and digital media. In recent years he has focussed on the current third wave in the history of digitization and the complexities of contemporary multiple source hypertext systems. He recently published a history of the concept of electronic text, "E-text" in Oxford Research Encyclopedia, Literature. Craig FraserCraig Fraser teaches history of mathematics and astronomy at the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology of the University of Toronto. He is currently (2019) vice-president of the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics and former chair of the International Commission for the History of Mathematics. His main research interests are in the history of analysis and mechanics from the Eighteenth to the early Twentieth centuries. He is also interested in the history of mathematical foundations and in relativistic cosmology in the Twentieth century. Martin FrickéMartin Frické is a Full Professor in the School of Information, at the University of Arizona, in the United States. His long term research interest involves the intersection between the organization of knowledge, logic, and processing by computer. Currently he is working on the Bitcoin blockchain technology and its relation to distributed trust and recorded information. Keiichi FujikuraKeiichi Fujikura is chief librarian at the Bunkyo University, Saitama, Japan. He is also a member of the Committee of Classification of the Japan Library Association and is engaged in the revision work of the Nippon Decimal Classification (NDC). He is currently a doctoral research student in informatics at the Tsukuba University Graduate School. His main theme is a historical study of classifications in Japan, with special reference to the NDC. Jonathan FurnerJonathan Furner (M.A. Cambridge 1990, Ph.D. Sheffield 1994) is a professor in the Department of Information Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles, and a faculty affiliate of UCLA's Center for Digital Humanities. Furner studies the history and philosophy of cultural stewardship, and teaches classes on the representation and organization of archival records, library materials, and museum objects. He has published over fifty papers on these and related topics, frequently using conceptual analysis to evaluate the theoretical frameworks, data models, and metadata standards on which information access systems rely. Furner was a member of the Dewey Decimal Classification's editorial policy committee (DDC EPC) from 2009 to 2020, chairing it from 2014 to 2019. He is co-editor of book series for MIT Press and Facet (UK), and a regular reviewer of contributions to journals and conferences in the fields of philosophy of information, knowledge organization, and bibliometrics.
Alan GilchristAlan Gilchrist started his career in an industrial library before joining the Aslib Research and Development Department in 1964 (two years before Brian Vickery) where he helped to set up a Consultancy Section. He left Aslib in 1977 to set up his own practice working for international and national organizations in many countries. He was the founding editor of the Journal of Information Science. He is an honorary fellow of the Chartered Institute of Librarians and Information Professionals, an honorary member of ISKO UK and was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Brighton in 2006. Claudio Gnoli (co-editor and web editor)Claudio Gnoli is librarian at the University of Pavia Science and Technology Library. His interests include knowledge organization in general, theory of classification, their philosophical grounds and their application to online knowledge bases. He has authored papers and books in the KO field, including Introduction to Knowledge Organization (Facet, 2020), and is a member of the editorial boards of Journal of Documentation, Knowledge Organization and AIDA Informazioni. He is a former vice-president and the current webmaster of international ISKO. His website is at gnoli.eu.
Koraljka GolubKoraljka Golub is a full professor and head of institute at Linnaeus University at Linnaeus University, Sweden. Her research primarily focuses on topics related to information retrieval and knowledge organisation. Of her particular interest is integration of traditional knowledge organization systems with social tagging and/or automated subject indexing, and evaluating results in the context of end-user information retrieval. Details of her research projects and related activities are available at her website koraljka.net/. José Augusto Chaves GuimarãesJosé Augusto Chaves Guimarães got his PhD in Information Science at University of São Paulo (1994) and is professor emeritus at São Paulo State University - Unesp (Brazil). He was the founder of the Brazilian Chapter of ISKO (2009) and the chair of the 14th ISKO Conference (Rio, 2016). His research interests are: knowledge organization, information ethics, and legal information.
Björn HammarfeltBjörn Hammarfelt is an associate professor at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS), University of Borås. His research is situated at the intersection of information studies and sociology of science, with a focus on the organization, communication and evaluation of research. His most recent work has mainly been focused on how scholars use and respond to bibliometric measurement. Andrew HancockAndrew Hancock is principal analyst at Statistics New Zealand. Jussi T. S. HeikkiläJussi T. S. Heikkilä is Reserch Fellow at Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics and Adjunct Professor at LUT School of Engineering Science, Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology. His research focuses on economics of innovation and knowledge, intellectual property rights institutions and standardization. Yun HenshawYun F. Henshaw is senior data specialist at Twitter, and an editor and thesaurus editor at Répertoire international de littérature musicale (RILM). She is the project lead of the RILM Music Thesaurus project and oversees Chinese language publications in all fields of music and related subjects in RILM databases. She holds Master's degrees in ethnomusicology from Xiamen University and Wesleyan University respectively, and an MLIS in information and library science from University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign. She also served as a visiting librarian at Shanghai Conservatory of Music. Her research interests include music information organization, metadata, knowledge organization systems (taxonomy, thesaurus, ontology, etc.), and user studies. Philip HiderPhilip Hider is professor of Library and Information Management at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Australia. He has been head of its School of Information Studies since 2008, and is presently (in 2020) also associate dean research of its Faculty of Arts and Education. He holds an honours degree in Social Anthropology from the London School of Economics, a masters of Librarianship from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, and a PhD in Information Science from City University, London. Philip worked as a cataloguer at the British Library from 1995-1997, and taught and consulted in Singapore from 1997-2003, after which he joined CSU. He served on the Australian Committee on Cataloguing from 2004-2009, and is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals. The second edition of his text, Information Resource Description, was published in 2018. Birger Hjørland (editor-in-chief)Birger Hjørland holds an MA in psychology and PhD in library and information science. He is professor emeritus in knowledge organization at the Department of Information Studies, University of Copenhagen (formerly Royal School of Library and Information Science) since 2001 and at the University College in Borås 2000-2001. He was research librarian at the Royal Library in Copenhagen 1978-1990, and taught information science at the Department of Mathematical and Applied Linguistics at the University of Copenhagen 1983-1986. He is a member of ISKO Scientific Advisory Council, the editor-in-chief of the ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge Organization and a member of the editorial boards of Knowledge Organization, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology and Journal of Documentation. His h-index on 2023-12-06 is 51 in Google Scholar and 36 in Web of Science. Wikipedia has an entry about him.
Yi HongYi Hong holds a doctorate degree in biomedical and health informatics and a master's degree in information studies from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She is a data architect at the MedeAnalytics, a health data analytics company in USA. She served as clinical informatics analyst at Harris Corporation and worked at Medical College of Wisconsin as a clinical systems specialist before moving to her current position. Her research interests focus on health knowledge organization systems, biomedical terminology services, information architecture, health data modeling and analysis. Michèle HudonMichèle Hudon was a professor at École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information (EBSI), Université de Montréal, from 1994 to 2016. She holds a Masters degree in library science (Université de Montréal) and a doctoral degree in Information Studies (University of Toronto). At EBSI, she taught and conducted research in the broad area of information and knowledge organization, more specifically on classification, indexing languages and thesaurus development. Prior to joining the Faculty at EBSI, she worked as indexing and thesaurus specialist for the Canadian and Quebec governments, and for not-for-profit organizations. She is the author of textbooks and articles on issues relating to knowledge organization. She was the Canadian delegate on the working group tasked with structuring and writing ISO 25964, Information and Documentation - Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabulary (2011-2013). She is a former editor of Documentation et bibliothèques (2008-2013), and has co-directed thematic issues of Cahiers du numérique and Études de communication. An autobiographical paper is published in Knowledge organization 43 (2016), no. 7: 550-62. Casper Hvenegaard RasmussenCasper Hvenegaard Rasmussen is an associate professor at the Department of Communication, Section of Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAM) at University of Copenhagen (formerly Royal School of Library and Information Science). His long-term research interest involves library studies and cultural policy studies. Currently his research are focusing on the relations between libraries, archives and museums. Keiichi KawamuraKeiichi Kawamura has been a university librarian and part-time lecturer in Tokyo metropolitan area. He obtained his PhD degree from the Osaka City University, Osaka in 2013, for a study of the Broad System of Ordering (BSO). He was Editorial Consultant of the BSO Panel Ltd, UK, from 1995 to 2000. His research interest focuses on the theory of classification and indexing, with particular emphasis on relational analysis as an alternative to categorical view of facets. In 1988 he published a comprehensive book on the works of Coates entitled Subject Indication for Information Retrieval: the Contributions of Eric Coates [in Japanese]. Andreas Oskar KempfAndreas Oskar Kempf is a knowledge organization specialist at the ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, with branches in Kiel and Hamburg, Germany. He holds a Ph.D. in sociology from Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, and received a master's degree in library and information science from Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany. His research and publications have largely focused on subject-specific metadata and controlled vocabularies for the social and economic sciences. His research interests include data-driven approaches for the further development of knowledge organization systems as well as the interoperability of knowledge organization systems and their integration into approaches and solutions of automated subject indexing. Michael KleinebergMichael Kleineberg works at the university library of Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. He holds a doctorate in library and information science from the Berlin School of Library and Information Science at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany. His research in the field of knowledge organization focuses on the intersection between knowledge organization, cognitive psychology, sociology of knowledge, and cultural anthropology. He is member of the editorial board of the journal Knowledge Organization. Wendy KorwinWendy Korwin received her Ph.D. in American Studies from the College of William and Mary in 2017 with a dissertation entitled Material Literacy: Alphabets, Bodies, and Consumer Culture. She has worked as both a librarian and an archivist, and is currently based in Columbus, Ohio, United States. Lykke KyllesbechLykke Kyllesbech Nielsen, now Lykke Kyllesbech Holm, is a librarian, educated at the Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS), Copenhagen and became master of library and information science in 1999. She taught at LIS 1997-2004. At the present she is librarian at Niels Brock Copenhagen Business College.
Steven LaporteSteven Laporte is a librarian and a philosopher, working at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). He holds master's degrees in Moral Sciences (University of Ghent), Logic and the Philosophy of Science (VUB), Arts & Culture Management and Library and Information Science (University of Antwerp). His research interests include epistemology, knowledge organisation, the dissemination of information literacy and current issues in academic publishing. He is currently working on a doctorate concerning philosophical questions in knowledge organization. Marco LarderaMarco Lardera has a master's degree in philosophy. He worked at the scientific libraries in the University of Pavia, where he has developed a strong interest in knowledge organization issues. He contributed to the development and promotion of the online DDC-based tool SciGator, on which he has published some papers. He is currently employed in the IT field, working with databases and search engines. Deborah LeeDeborah Lee was awarded her PhD in Information Science from City, University of London, in 2017. Deborah is a visiting lecturer at City, University of London, where she leads the Information Organisation module. Her research interests include knowledge organization and music information. She has a BA in music from the University of Oxford, an MMus in historical musicology from Royal Holloway, and an MA in information services management from London Metropolitan University. Deborah is also the Senior Cataloguer at the Courtauld Institute of Art. Edmund LeeEdmund Lee, MA MCIFA, is an archaeologist working for Historic England, a UK government agency. He has worked in government funded heritage agencies since the early 1990s developing interests in cultural heritage databases, and the application of knowledge organization principles to heritage data. Particular experience includes the development of the MIDAS standard for heritage inventories and the associated MIDAS XML schemas, and advising on the Arches open source heritage inventory software developed by the Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles. His current post as Sector Resilience Manager focusses on identifying and meeting the knowledge needs of the heritage sector. Edmund was winner of a Best Paper award at ISKO UK 2017. Ariadne LegendreAriadne Legendre is a senior data analyst at the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. As part of her responsibilities, she has been leading the development of the first-ever Canadian Research and Development Classification, which will have an important impact on the Canadian research landscape. She holds a Masters of Science in Nutrition form the University of Georgia. Ariadne has a strong background in data analysis in various research areas and has worked in several Government of Canada departments, as well as in the not-for-profit sector. Haakon LundHaakon Lund is associate professor at University of Copenhagen, Department of Information Studies. Denmark. He is educated as a librarian (MLSc) from the Royal School of Library and Information Science and his research includes research data management, system usability and users, and gaze interaction. He has presented his research at international conferences and published several journal articles.
Edoardo Manelli (statistics editor)Edoardo Manelli is a librarian at University of Parma Paolotti Humanities Library and a student at the Vatican School of Library Science. He previously worked at the Law Library of the University of Pavia. He holds a degree in law from the University of Milan and a master's degree in business law and public management from the University of Pisa. Author of books and articles, his research interests include contract law, history of law books, early printers of legal texts and law libraries.
Daniel Martínez-ÁvilaDaniel Martínez-Ávila is assistant professor in the area of library and information science, Universidad de León, Spain, and also teaches at the Graduate School of Information Science at São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil. He is a member of the Brazilian ISKO Chapter since 2016. Previously, he was a member of the Spanish ISKO chapter (currently Spain+Portugal) since 2008. He is the current editor of the Advances in Knowledge Organization series and previously he has worked with Richard Smiraglia as editorial assistant of the journal Knowledge Organization.
Matthew MayernikMatthew Mayernik is a project scientist and research data services specialist in the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Library, based in Boulder, CO, USA. His work is focused on research and service development related to scientific data curation. His research interests include metadata practices and standards, data citation and identity, and social and institutional aspects of research data. He received his Master's in library and information science and Ph.D. from the UCLA Department of Information Studies. Fulvio MazzocchiFulvio Mazzocchi, biologist and philosopher, is a researcher at the Institute for Complex Systems of the CNR (Italy). His research activity is focused on epistemology (e.g., realism vs. constructivism; epistemology of complexity), philosophical issues of scientific research (e.g., the reductionism-holism debate in biology; climate model validation and robustness), and knowledge organization. He has participated in many projects concerning the development of thesauri, such as the General European Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus (GEMET) of the European Environmental Agency.
Torjus MidtgardenTorjus Midtgarden (born 1962) is professor at the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities at the University of Bergen. His research interests are social and political philosophy, philosophy of science and American pragmatism, in particular the philosophy of Charles S. Peirce and John Dewey. He has contributed to several book projects and published articles on pragmatism and its relevance for contemporary philosophy in journals such as Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, Journal of the History of Philosophy, Contemporary Pragmatism, European Journal of Social Theory, Philosophy and Social Criticism, Semiotica and Revue internationale de philosophie. Alessandro MinelliAlessandro Minelli was full professor of Zoology at the University of Padova until retirement in 2011. Member (1989-2013) and president (1995-2001) of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. For several years his research focus was biological systematics, but since the mid '90s his interests have turned towards evolutionary developmental biology and philosophy of biology. Author of Biological Systematics (1993), The Development of Animal Form (2003), Perspectives in Animal Phylogeny and Evolution (2009), Plant Evolutionary Developmental Biology (2018), The Biology of Reproduction (with Giuseppe Fusco, 2019), Understanding Development (2021). Widad Mustafa El HadiWidad Mustafa El Hadi is professor of Information and Documentation Studies at the University of Lille 3, where she is in charge of International Relations and of the Master Diploma program. She holds a PhD in linguistics (multilingual terminologies) from the University of Lyon 2, France. Her main areas of interest are: theoretical approaches to knowledge organization; language & culture and their impact on knowledge organization; knowledge organization systems and their evaluation; cross-language and cross-cultural information retrieval, and, more recently, Digital Humanities. She has been active in ISKO since 1996, as co-founder of the French ISKO Chapter (with Jacques Maniez) and as the first elected ISKO-France president (1996-2001). She is a member of ISKO Scientific Advisory Council and a member of the editorial boards of Knowledge Organization, les Cahiers du Numérique, Lavoisier-Hermès; Études de Communication, revue du Geriico, Université Lille 3; Zagadnienia Informaji Naukowei, ZIN - Issues in Information Science: Information Studies, University of Warsaw, Brazilian Journal of Information Science.
Joachim NeubertJoachim Neubert is a scientific software developer at ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics. He holds degrees in history and information science and has worked in information technology at a major press archive. At ZBW, he published several datasets as linked open data. In 2009, he started the SWIB-Semantic Web for Libraries conference and serves to date as co-chair of its programme committee. As an invited expert, he took an active part in the Library Linked Data Incubator Group of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). His research interests include knowledge organization systems and authorities, linked data, and web-based information systems and applications. Most recently he is exploring and working with Wikidata as a knowledge linking hub on the Web.
Aleksandra A. NikiforovaAleksandra Aleksandrovna Nikiforova, Ph.D. in biology, is research fellow at Faculty of Soil Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), Russia. She received her Ph.D. in soil mapping at the MSU and a specialist degree at the Department of Soil Geography of the MSU. Her main research interests are related to the theory of universal soil-landscape classification and multiscale soil-landscape GIS mapping, as well as its practical implementation. One of her significant achievements is the creation, together with other authors, of The Agroecological Soil-Reclamation map of the Nonchernozem belt of the European part of Russia on a scale of 1: 1,500,000. Dong-Geun OhDong-Geun Oh is professor and chairperson of the Department of Library and Information Science, Keimyung University, South Korea. He has contributed to the library communities both in Korea and internationally through writing, teaching, lecturing, and promoting cooperative work. He is the president of I-LISS (International Library and Information Science Society, 2017-2022), president of the Korean Library and Information Science Society (2016-2017), chairperson of the Classification Committee of the Korean Library Association (2012-2017, 2019-2021), and co-editor in chief of the Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice (2012 to present). H. Peter OhlyH. Peter Ohly is a sociologist from Cologne, who had been working in the field of information and documentation till his retirement in 2010. His main interests concern classification, social network analysis and bibliometrics. In 1978 he became part of the scientific staff of the Information Center for the Social Sciences in Bonn, which was later incorporated into the GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Cologne. 1999-2009 he was president of the German ISKO, 2006-2010 he was secretary then 2010-2014 president of the International ISKO, where he still has advisory functions. Beginning with a draft for social science methodology for the UDC in 1974 he has published or co-published many articles, chapters, documentations and collected editions in the field of social science information and social science methodology. Anders ØromAnders Ørom was born June 8, 1943 and died October 7, 2017. He was associate professor at the former Royal School of Library and Information Science, Aalborg Branch, until his retirement March 1, 2004. He was educated as master of Literature, and had experience working in public libraries. He has written extensively about issues in library and information science mainly in Danish, but also in English and other languages, with focus on epistemological issues, the humanities and visual media. He was the main force behind the journal Bibioteksarbejde (Library work), 1979–2004, which today is Nordisk Tidsskrift for Informationsvidenskab og Kulturformidling, NTIK (Nordic Journal of Information Science and Cultural Communication). Daniel ParrochiaDaniel Parrochia is emeritus professor of logic at the University Jean Moulin-Lyon 3. He started studying philosophy, linguistics and mathematics in Lyon, joined CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) in 1979 and got his PHD in 1987. Professor at the University of Toulouse-Le- Mirail (1990-97) and then at the University Paul Valéry-Montpellier III (1997-2003), he collaborated with the CNES (National Center of Spatial Studies) and the LIRMM (Laboratory of Computer Science, Robotics and Microelectronics in Montpellier). He was the director of the CRATEIR (Research Center About Technology, Information and Networks) in Montpellier, and of the CAF (Center for the Analysis of Forms) in Lyon. Member of the steering committee for the Cluster 14, a pole of excellence in the Rhône-Alpes region, he has written 32 books, numerous articles and participated in many conferences in France and abroad. French Wikipedia has an entry about him. Eugenio PetrovichEugenio Petrovich is post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Economics and Statistics of the University of Siena. He holds a Master's degree in Philosophy and a Ph.D. in Philosophy and human sciences, both from the University of Milan. His main research interests include quantitative studies of science, research evaluation, philosophy of science, and quantitative history of philosophy. He is member of the Distant Reading and Data-driven Research in the History of Philosophy (DR2) network. He has been visiting researcher at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies in Leiden and at the Vossius Center for the History of Humanities and Sciences in Amsterdam. Hélène ProstHélène Prost is an information professional at the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information (CNRS) and associate member of the GERiiCO research laboratory (University of Lille). She is interested in empirical library and information sciences and statistical data analysis. She participates in research projects on evaluation of collections, usage analysis, grey literature, research data management and open access, and she is the author of several publications.
Pauline RaffertyPauline Margaret Rafferty is a senior lecturer at Aberystwyth University. She has previously held teaching posts at City, University of London, Birmingham City University, and Northumbria University. She teaches knowledge organization and representation, knowledge and information architectures, collection management and qualitative approaches to research. She is interested in the ways in which social media facilitates dialogic communicative practices. Specific areas of interest include popular culture in and through the Web, digital information seeking, browsing and serendipity, the democratisation of critical authority, and participative digital cultural production. She holds a PhD in critical theory and cultural studies from Nottingham University. Pauline is Joint Editor of Journal of Information Science and Joint Regional Editor (Europe & UK) of The Electronic Library. She co-edited Managing Digital Cultural Objects: Analysis, Discovery, Retrieval (Facet, 2016) and Innovations in Information Retrieval: Perspectives for Theory and Practice (Facet, 2011) with Allen Foster, and co-wrote Indexing Multimedia and Creative Works: The Problems of Meaning and Interpretation (2005, Ashgate) with Rob Hidderley. K. S. RaghavanKotikanyadanam S. Raghavan is member and secretary of the Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science. Riccardo RidiRiccardo Ridi is professor of library and information science at Ca' Foscari University of Venice since 2000 and of philosophy of information and document, at the same university, since 2015. He graduated in moral philosophy at the University of Florence and worked at Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa as an academic librarian from 1988 to 1999. He was the coordinator of the Italian Library Association (AIB) website from 1996 to 2008 and coordinated the working group on the review of the Librarians' Code of Ethics promulgated by AIB in 2014. He is a member of editorial boards of four Italian library science journals and a member of the Italian ISKO chapter since 2004. He published several books (in Italian) and more than a hundred of articles and chapters (in Italian and in English). At present his main research interests are digital documents, philosophy of information and library ethics. His homepage, featuring a full bibliography and many full-texts, is available at www.riccardoridi.it. Jarmo SaartiJarmo Saarti is the library director of the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) and adjunct professor (docent) both in the University of Oulu and in the University of Tampere. He has been the chair of the board of the National Repository Library in Finland and a member of the board of the National Library of Finland. He has been a member of the IFLA's standing committee of the Academic Libraries and Other Research Libraries Section and is at the present member of the Standing Committee of the Section on Document Delivery and Resource Sharing. He was elected as the chair of the Finnish Research Library Association (STKS) for the years 2014-2017 and as a board member for the Federation of the Finnish Learned Societies. He has specialized in the knowledge organization of fiction and in the management of libraries. He has published about 300 professional and academic papers and he has written, co-written or edited about 50 books. Rodrigo de SalesRodrigo de Sales is professor of Knowledge Organization at the Department of Information Science, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil. In 2010-1018 he also taught at the Fluminenese Federal University, Brazil. He holds a PhD in Information Science at São Paulo State University (2009-2012) and a MA in Information Science at Federal University of Santa Catarina (2007-2008). He is member of the Brazilian ISKO Chapter and coordinator of the Library Science course at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2019-2020). His main research interests include: epistemology, history, theory and method of knowledge organization.
Mohinder P. SatijaDr. Mohinder Partap Satija retired as Professor and UGC Emeritus Fellow from the Department of Library and Information Science, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India. He has written more than twenty books, about 150 papers and numerous book reviews and conference papers published in India and abroad. His textbooks on Colon Classification and Dewey Decimal Classification are being used in many library schools in India. His PhD was in Ranganathan studies. He is a member Advisory Board of the UDC Consortium and of the Editorial Advisory Board of Knowledge Organisation and was the Indian coordinator of the ISKO from 1990 to 2007. Joachim SchöpfelJoachim Schöpfel is associate professor in information sciences at the University of Lille, France, and researcher at the GERiiCO laboratory. He is consultant in scientific communication at the Ourouk consulting bureau, Paris. His research field is scientific information and academic publishing, research data, open science. He has been working at the French Institute of Scientific and Technical Information (CNRS) from 1991 to 2008, at last as the director of the library and document delivery services. He holds a PhD in psychology from the University of Hamburg. Ryan ShawRyan Shaw is associate professor in the School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is interested in how information technologies are used to conceptualize and model our worlds and pasts. His personal website is aeshin.org. Roswitha SkareRoswitha Skare is a full professor in Documentation Studies at UiT – The Arctic University of Norway. Her research interests include documentation theory, the impact of paratexts on literature and film, as well as the performance practice of silent films. Richard P. SmiragliaRichard P. Smiraglia is executive director of the Institute for Knowledge Organization and Structure, in Shorewood, Wisconsin; he is also a professor and member of the Knowledge Organization Research Group in the iSchool at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He has explored domain analysis for evolution of knowledge organization, epistemological analysis of the role of authorship in bibliographic tradition, the evolution of knowledge and its representation in knowledge organization systems, and the phenomenon of instantiation among information objects. He is Editor-in-Chief of the journal Knowledge Organization.
Arthur SmithArthur Smith is lead data analyst at the American Physical Society. He has worked in information technology roles for the Physical Review journals since 1995. He received a PhD in physics from Cornell University in 1991. He has given talks at Taxonomy Boot Camp (associated with the KM World conference), at the PIDapalooza meetings on persistent identifiers, and at a variety of related conferences. Linda C. SmithLinda C. Smith is professor emerita in the School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign where she taught from 1977-2019. Her courses included Information Organization and Access, Reference and Information Services, and Information Sources & Services in the Sciences. She is a past president of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE), Beta Phi Mu, and the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (Section T: Information, Computing and Communication), and a University of Illinois distinguished teacher/scholar. Emma StuartEmma Stuart is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Wolverhampton, who specializes in social media analysis. Her principal research interests are concerned with the types of images being posted to social networking sites and image-centric mobile apps, and the changing role of photography. Emma holds a PhD in Information Science from the University of Wolverhampton. Eduard SukiasyanDr. Eduard Sukiasyan has been editor-in-chief of the Library-Bibliographical Classification since March 1993. Born in 1937, he graduated in 1960 from the Moscow State Library Institute. In 1968, he received the degree Dr. Ped., LIS. From 1969 to 1974 he worked at the Kasnodar State Institute of Culture (assistant professor, chair of the Department of Library Science and Bibliography). Since April 1974 he was worked at the Russian State Library (RSL, formerly The Lenin State Library of the USSR) as head of d Department and Deputy Director. He served As Professor of the RSL Higher Library Courses and at the Academy for retraining culture workers (Moscow). An ISKO member since 1989. Dr. Sukiasyan has been a participant in, and contributor to, the first five ISKO Conferences. Rick SzostakRick Szostak is professor and chair of Economics at the University of Alberta. He was elected president of ISKO in July 2018. He is the author of fifteen books and fifty journal articles in economics, history, interdisciplinary studies, information science, and several other fields. He has studied the theory and practice of interdisciplinarity for two decades and has emphasized in the last decade the ways in which knowledge organization systems might better facilitate interdisciplinary research and teaching. He has long argued that a phenomenon-based analytic-synthetic approach to classification is both feasible and desirable; he has more recently stressed the use of grammatical construction in performing that synthesis. He co-authored Interdisciplinary Knowledge Organization in 2016. He has created the Basic Concepts Classification (BCC), and is engaged in efforts to evaluate the BCC and compare it to other classification systems.
Des TellisDesmond "Des" Tellis has played a major role in the theory and practice of database development and information science in Australia. He was awarded the Robert D. Williamson Award in 1984 and was elected a fellow of the Institute of Information Scientists, London and of the Australian Library and Information Association. He has published prolifically on a variety of subjects including online databases, communication and access to information. Natália Bolfarini TognoliNatália Bolfarini Tognoli holds a MA and a Phd in Information Science at São Paulo State University, Unesp, Brazil. She is Professor of Diplomatics and Archival Science at the Department of Information Science, Fluminense Federal University, UFF, Brazil, and member of the Brazilian ISKO Chapter. In 2014-2017 she also taught at the São Paulo State University and worked as Chief-Editor of the Brazilian Journal of Information Science, BraJIS. She is editor-in-chief of Knowledge Organization since 2023. Her main research interests include: archival knowledge organization, contemporary diplomatics, epistemology and social justice in Archives. Garry W. TrompfGarry W. Trompf is emeritus professor in the history of ideas and adjunct professor in peace and conflict studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Sydney, Australia. He was formerly professor of history at the University of Papua New Guinea, and has held visiting professorships at the Universities of California, Utrecht, Edinburgh, Warsaw and at the Carl Jung Institute, Zürich. He is the author of The Idea of Historical Recurrence in Western Thought and produced over twenty other volumes. Among his various articles on the history of social science and quests for the unity of human knowledge, note "The Classification of the Sciences and the Quest for Interdisciplinarity: A Brief History of Ideas from Ancient Philosophy to Contemporary Environmental Science", Environmental Conservation (CUP) 38, no. 2, 2011: 113-126. David WellsDavid Wells is manager, Collections, at Curtin University Library in Perth, Western Australia, where his responsibilites include development of the library's Primo discovery system. He is the author of several articles on catalogue design and is a member of the editorial board of Cataloging & Classification Quarterly. He holds a doctorate in Russian literature from the University of Oxford, and his publications in this area include The Russian Discovery of Japan, 1670-1800 (Routledge, 2020), which explores questions of information transfer in Eighteenth-century Russia. Howard D. WhiteHoward D. White, a professor emeritus in Drexel's College of Computing and Informatics, has received both the ASIST Award of Merit (2004) and the Price Medal in scientometrics (2005). His Ph.D. in librarianship (1974) is from the University of California at Berkeley, where he was Patrick Wilson's doctoral student and co-taught a seminar with him. Many years later he co-authored a book, For Information Specialists, with Marcia J. Bates and Wilson, and he wrote the introduction to Wilson's autobiographical memoir. Nancy WilliamsonNancy Williamson is professor emeritus at the University of Toronto Faculty of Information, where she served from 1965 to 2006. She is author or editor of various publications, including Knowledge organization and classification in international information retrieval (with C. Beghtol). Shuheng WuShuheng Wu is an assistant professor in the Graduate School of Library and Information Studies at Queens College, the City University of New York. She teaches courses on information organization, cataloging and classification, and data curation. She holds a PhD in Information Studies from Florida State University. Her research interests are in the intersection of knowledge organization (KO) and sociotechnical systems, applying them to data curation as well as the development, evaluation, and enhancement of KO systems.
Antonella ZaneAntonella Zane has a doctor's degree on Earth Sciences and ten years of research background in petrology and archaeometry. After research, she started working at the University of Padova (Padua) Library System in 1998. Since 2002 she has been collaborating with the Digital Library Group of the Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI) in Pisa, a partner of DELOS, the Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries. From April 2011 to September 2013 she was the Padova Library System resource person for European-funded programs. In the same period, she was the project manager of the Linked Heritage team at the University of Padova. From 2011 to 2018, with the role of head of the Digital Library, she has coordinated a working group of librarians involved in digital services and in supporting researchers on Open Access issues with a special focus on research data repositories. Currently, Antonella is the head of the "Antonio Vallisneri" Bio-medical Library of the University of Padova and a member of the Italian Open Science Support Group (IOSSG).
Marcia Lei Zeng (metadata advisor for IEKO)Marcia Lei Zeng is professor of Information Science at Kent State University. She holds a Ph.D. from the School of Computing and Information at University of Pittsburgh (USA) and M.A. from Wuhan University (China). Her major research interests include knowledge organization systems (taxonomy, thesaurus, ontology, etc.), linked data, metadata and markup languages, smart data and big data, database quality control, semantic technologies, and digital humanities. Her research projects have received funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF), Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Fulbright, and other foundations. Dr. Zeng has chaired or served on committees, working groups, and executive boards for IFLA, SLA, ASIS&T, NISO, ISO, DCMI, ISKO, and W3C. She is serving as an Executive Board Member of ISKO for 2020-2024.
Maja ŽumerDr. Maja Žumer is Professor of Information Science at University of Ljubljana (Slovenia). After completing her degree in mathematics, she held several positions as computer programmer and systems analyst, where she was also involved in the design, development and implementation of information retrieval systems. Her M.L.S. degree from Kent State University (USA) in 1993 was a turning point in her career: she became first a systems librarian, then head of Research and Development Department at the National and University Library in Ljubljana. After completing her PhD in information science in 1999 (University of Zagreb, Croatia), she joined the faculty of Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies at University of Ljubljana. Her research interests include design and evaluation of information retrieval systems, end-user interfaces, usability, and, recently, conceptual modelling. She was member of IFLA FRBR Review Group and co-chair of FRSAD Woking Group and has published extensively on the topic. As a member of the Consolidation Editorial Group she is co-author of IFLA LRM (with Pat Riva and Patrick LeBoeuf).
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